Currently playing |
2: Ape Escape 2 Xbox: Phantom Crash; Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Xbox 360: Earth Defense Force 2025; The Outfit |
(Xbox) Developer: Rainbow Studios Publisher: Infogrames, Inc. Released: 2002 Genre: Racing |
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I wanted to find something similar to the
next game that's on the PlayStation
2 (more about that on that review), a
simple fast paced crazy extreme sports game (kinda like
what Burnout is for racing games) that doesn't
focus on tricks because I'm fucking retarded and I can't
remember them. This game and ATV: Quad Power Racing 2
are the only ones I found that looked good enough, but the
second one was a piece of shit with terrible physics so I
deleted it. This one is a jet ski game, and while it
wasn't really that fast paced it was simple enough to play
through it. It has a nice looking water and some
interesting locations, South America, Egypt, Venice, and
some stupid shit like crashed planes, ships and a UFO too
on the map lmao. The default controls sucked but luckily I
could change it, and there is a tutorial that teaches you
some of the moves like going under the water,
blackflipping and shit like that. I wish there was an
ingame trick list or something because I couldn't find a
manual and just randomly pressed buttons to do tricks lol
but actually that was fine, I didn't want anything
complicated and the simple tricks were enough to get the
speed bonus. You pick a character to go through the
tournament, but later you can recruit more to your team
and play with the one that's best for the map, the problem
is you can't see the map layout before the loading screen
and can't tell if it's a map where you need someone with
better handling or speed. Every 4 races I think you can
recruit someone by beating them in an arena race, but I
thought you can only do that with the characters who are
available, but nope this is how you unlock new characters
too eh... The races are alright I guess, there are some
obstacles to avoid, ramps, alternate routes, and these
buoys which point to the direction where you are supposed
to pass them or you will lose your speed. There are also
these uniform colors you can collect but they are very
hard to get to, you need to do some crazy jumps to get
them so I only found like 2. It gets pretty hard by the
end, that Venice level was especially frustrating. I liked
the typical very early 2000s soundtrack with Smash Mouth
lmao but it has very few songs unfortunately. The worst
thing is probably the absolutely insane camera, I couldn't
even figure out how it works it just fucks everything up
and I couldn't see shit so I tried not to touch it lol.
There are some other modes like the usual time trial and
free ride, but there is Countdown mode where you need to
collect different colored balloons before the time
expires. It's a very simple game but it was alright, I
will play the sequel on the PlayStation
2 because it seems like it amps up the
craziness. |
2022/09/12 |
Neopets: Petpet
Adventures: The Wand of Wishing (PlayStation
Portable) Developer: Santa Monica Studio Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Released: 2006 Genre: Third-person action |
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This one is based on some browser game I
think where you can raise pets or something? I don't know
because I've only heard of the name before. But it looked
like a cute simple game so I wanted to play it. It has
isometric view though eh, I fucking hate that and I would
never play a game like that on a normal console but on a
handheld I can forgive it I guess. It feels like there is
a story you are missing, like the opening cutscene is the
end of some fight between two friends, a girl and an orc
who got corrupted by evil magic or something. You are the
pet of the girl and the orc wants to find some magic wand,
and when the girl finds it and wants to use it the orc's
pet takes it through a portal and you go after it and you
find yourself in a world where animals are like persons
lol. You can select what kind of animal you want to be,
they have different stats but I went with the basic
fox-dog looking pet lol (it's funny how he always smiles
lol, characters make the same face all the time). I'm not
sure what this genre is, I guess it's like a very basic
RPG, you fight, find equipments, chests, do some simple
quests, but there is no XP and it's very linear you can
only go to one area. Fighting is very simple basically
just pressing the X button lol, and you can have melee
weapons, bows, wands that shoot magic, or spells you can
use. You can also capture some animal with specific foods
and they give you some stat bonus lol, shame they don't
fight. There is not much to do besides going through the
areas and fight enemies or buy stuff from vendors, but
there are magic pools you can find that change your color
lol. I thought the game was ridiculously hard, I kept
dying to enemies and I had to evade them constantly and
use hit and run tactics lol but I still kept dying like
crazy. I thought it's because there are some areas where
you can't buy better equipment but nope, it would have
been still crazy hard. Then I found out there are these
battledomes where you can train by fighting the bosses you
already beat, now I thought you need the coins it shows on
the right to use them but those are the rewards you can
use to increase your stats and you just need normal gold
to train there and then spend points on your strength,
health, magic etc. Once I realized this the game got super
easy lol and I just spammed arrows to kill everything in
seconds lmao. It feels like they ran out of ideas by the
second half of the game where you are just going through
the same kind of areas with different elemental bosses to
find, then at the end you fight all the bosses again and
then the final boss. You can go back to the big city after
you beat the game but as I said there isn't much to do,
you can go keep fighting in the battledome to increase
your stats but at some points you are gonna run out of
gold (and I guess there was multiplayer where you can
fight your friends there?). It's really nothing special,
the gameplay wasn't great even after I figured it out lol,
but the biggest problem was the insane slowdowns from
moving the camera or even when you are just walking. But
yeah, it's cute and simple I guess (if you aren't retarded
like I am lol). |
2022/09/08 |
Silent Hill
(PlayStation) Developer: Team Silent Publisher: Konami Released: 1999 Genre: Survival horror |
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So obviously I knew about this series and I
watched reviews of the first four games before and the
movie too but I never wanted to play them because a) I'm
scared as fuck of horror games and b) I thought it's like
the early Resident Evil games with the fixed
camera angles which I absolutely fucking hate and I refuse
to play any game with that shit. But as I was watching
some gameplay recently I found out it's not really like
that, the camera mostly follows the character and I can
move it, and I can just play it on easy so why not, so
let's play through the first four games and Silent
Hill: Origins, the rest I'm not sure yet but
probably won't. I was actually really excited to play
this, and it was in the middle of the insane summer heat
so it bothered me a lot that I probably can't start it for
months, but then it got colder suddenly so I immediately
wanted to jump in and experience it (of course the weather
forecast was wrong and the week or two cold only lasted
for a few days and I had to wait sometimes for a week or
two before I could play again for a day or two, I guess
it's like the real way of watching a series too, like
being excited for what's coming next instead of watching
every episode in a row, I think it leaves a more lasting
impact like that). I still wasn't sure though if I would
like it or not so I didn't want to waste a CD, and I felt
the PlayStation
Portable screen would be too small to
experience a game like this, luckily it works with that
shitty emulator and I think it plays fine minus some
slowdowns, but I noticed the flashlight's shadow was kinda
blocky at some places, but it could be the game too
because it has such a bad case of dithering lol. I played
the PAL uncensored version which adds back the school kids
and includes the missing document the American release
doesn't have. The story is similar to the movie, but here
you are a single father Harry who is traveling with his
daughter to Silent Hill when he almost hits a girl and
crashes his car. I loved the CGI cutscenes, they were
really nicely made even though only the intro and the post
credits scenes are long enough, the rest are just a few
seconds long when they introduce another living person.
You wake up after the crash with your daughter missing and
the entire town is covered with a huge fucking fog (and
later darkness) which definitely sets the mood and it's
also a really clever way to mask the shitty draw distance
of the PlayStation. I
immediately got filtered by the shitty controls, it's tank
controls but it was impossible to get used to it with the
analog stick, so I tried the D-pad and it could have been
much better but this fucking controller has such a
terrible D-pad that I was struggling the entire time to
move the character and avoid enemies. Anyway you end up in
a café where you meet a cop chick who ended up in the town
too, and you get a gun to defend yourself, a flashlight to
see and a radio that starts making noises when enemies are
around you (this was another clever way to let you know
something is coming from the fog or the darkness) and you
learn you can only save at notepads. You have a map and
your character marks places where you should go but the
thing is though without a guide I would have had no idea
what to do and where to go after the very beginning of the
game, I'm just way too dumb for this shit, and it gets
worse with the puzzles, like I have no idea how people
figure these things out, I couldn't even comprehend what I
was supposed to do with the piano puzzle for example (that
being said I enjoyed experiencing the game). Every once in
a while you hear sirens and darkness covers the town, like
you are being transported into an another dimension or a
nightmare where everything is rusty and covered with
chains and barbed wires and ritually murdered people hung
up on walls, the visuals are incredible and creepy,
although I think the music was the scariest part of the
game, it's fucking awesome industrial music which I love.
As you are trying to find your daughter you explore the
school, the hospital and some other parts of the town and
you discover some people who are somehow still alive and
how they connect to all these supernatural events, and
also you uncover some drug traffick related plot that was
happening in the town before the whole insanity began.
Near the end things just get more insane as you go through
doors and end up in different parts of the town, and you
will get one of the multiple endings based on the stuff
you found and who you saved, of course I got the best
ending with the guide lol. It's funny though that the
final boss was the easiest one lol, but honestly the
entire plot was so insane, I can't believe a PlayStation game could be this
dark and fucked up. After the end credits you get a nice
blooper style CGI cutscene with the characters like it's
some movie lol it was awesome, and a report card but I
don't know what the stars mean, I think I got 4 and a half
or something like that. So yeah it's very impressive for a
PlayStation game, but it
made me think I would have loved to just discover the town
without enemies more because the combat was kind of in a
way to get fully immersed in this incredible world. I will
play the sequel next year probably, I hope it has better
controls though. |
2022/09/04 |
Battlefield: Bad
Company 2 (Xbox
360) Developer: DICE Publisher: Electronic Arts Released: 2010 Genre: First-person shooter, tactical shooter |
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I was wondering how are they gonna continue
the story after the first game ended with the team
escaping with a truck of gold lol, but it's like nothing
has happened and the war still going on with Russia
invading Europe, China, South America and Alaska at the
same time (lmao at this scenario, it was impossible to
take this game seriously after what's been happening in
Ukraine, I'm so happy to see these Russkie piece of
fucking shits finally getting destroyed). The story is
centered around a secret weapon that the Japanese
developed in WW2, in fact the game starts with a WW2
tutorial mission where you need to escort a Japanese
scientist with the superweapon before you all get killed
when the Japs use it. In the present you are helping the
CIA to find that weapon, traveling from Russia to South
America, the locations are more diverse here, mountains,
snow, desert or a jungle (actually the game has this
Vietnam War vibe lol especially with the hippie helicopter
pilot) and the graphics look absolutely incredible. I'm
glad they addressed all the issues I had with the first
game lol, like there are finally subtitles (but sometimes
they have these random conversations that don't have any
eh), you just need to press the sprint button instead of
holding it, vehicles don't get stuck in everything, and I
liked how things are more destructible, you can destroy
almost everything which is pretty cool, but I didn't like
how you have regenerating health now. And the game just
feels different now, the first one had larger areas with
kinda open worldy feel to them with vehicles you can use
and decide how you want to approach a situation, here it's
smaller and kinda linear and vehicles are more like a
mandatory thing at some point of the mission. And there
are no more artillery which I loved using so much in the
first game, it kinda takes away the grand battlefield
feeling. Although there is a mission where you are
attacking with the military with tanks and planes
destroying shit around you and you gotta use drones to
guide missiles, that one still felt like the first game.
But actually there are more cooler moments here, like
waiting for a thunder in a storm to fire your sniper rifle
so they won't hear you, or that mission in the cold where
you are rushing from house to house not to freeze to death
(Lost Planet: Extreme Condition vibes lol).
Collectible weapons are shown on the map so it's harder to
miss them (I still managed to miss one eh) and instead of
golds you have these M-COM station you can blow up, and
there are weapon crates where you can switch weapons and
see their stats. It's a shame the game ends with a
cliffhanger with Russia pushing into the US (again, what a
fucking joke lmao) and we never got a third game, because
even though they are kinda short I'm glad I decided to
play them because they were fun to play, but I can't
decide which one I liked more. Apparently the multiplayer
was a lot better in this one but I couldn't try it out. I
wish developers would add bots to every game for offline
players and for the future when servers won't be available
anymore. |
2022/08/22 |
Tokobot (PlayStation Portable) Developer: Tecmo Publisher: Tecmo Released: 2005 Genre: Platform |
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I had no idea this game exists, but it
looked cute and interesting so I wanted to play it.
However I wasn't sure where to play it because it came out
later on PlayStation 2
too, and so did some other games. In some cases the PlayStation 2 ports have extra
content too so it would make sense to play them there, but
often times those ports had worse reviews and I realized
why: these games were developed for the PlayStation Portable with
its limitations in mind, and they wouldn't really work
like a regular game on a normal console, so I think I'm
going to play most of these games here (there will be some
exceptions, like the Grand Theft Auto games and
probably Burnout Dominator). The game takes place
in a world where there was an ancient advanced
civilization that was destroyed by some apocalyptic event
and now people research the tech and the ruins they left
behind (my favorite trope). This guy Bolt accidentally
activates these small robots called Tokobots so the
researcher girl and his boss sends him off to explore
those ancient structures they left behind because he can
get inside them using the robots. These robots can chain
together to 3 different formations and you can use them to
swing up somewhere, activate switches, fly like a
helicopter lol or attack enemies. It's pretty cute how
they are holding hands together to form these chains lol
and you will find more of these robots along the way so
you can throw or fly further which you'll need if you want
to access some places on earlier levels. There are these
parts you can collect which you need to activate Karakuri
Combinations which are these big robots you can turn into,
like a big robot samurai lol or a tank but I rarely ever
used these to fight, but there are some that are required
if you want to progress, like a train where you go on a
ride and avoid shit, or a crane to grab some boxes and use
it to solve puzzles. Unfortunately it's buggy as hell and
the controls and the combat ruins this game, I can't
adjust the camera and I can't align those fucking robots
straight ahead so often times I couldn't reach platforms
(this was the worst fucking shit near the end where you
have to swing on these fucking rods and you have to time
your jumps perfectly or you will die, I got stuck there
for days and of course you can't skip cutscenes and you
have to watch them over and over again when you restart)
or they kept falling off or get stuck somewhere and had to
go back for them (sometimes they teleport to you though),
and the combat is a nightmare too, I kept dying because
the enemies touch me and I can't hit them with the stupid
robots. This can be really bad in boss fights but
sometimes I had an easier time with them because they all
work differently (at the end you gotta fight all of them
again as a giant fuck you before the final boss).
Finishing the story unlock the Original Time Attack mode
where you can go through the previous locations with a
timer and collect coins to get ranks, if you get the best
ones you unlock concept arts and shit, but yeah no thanks
lmao. Shame about the gameplay because it really is a cute
game. |
2022/07/30 |
Conflict: Desert
Storm II (Xbox) Developer: Pivotal Games Publisher: SCi Games Released: 2003 Genre: Tactical shooter |
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This feels more like an improved first game
or an expansion pack rather than a true sequel. The
location is the same and you get missions even though the
war ended in the first game, they are more like just extra
missions or something. They are more grouped together here
but you don't carry your equipment and ammo over to the
next one unlike in the first game. The graphics look
better but not that much, it's like they are more detailed
and colorful. It has nice CG cutscenes sometimes instead
of just game engine ones which was nice, they looked kinda
lame in the first game. It starts with a training mode too
but this one focuses on stealth too. The gameplay isn't
really that much different, which sucks btw because the
way you moved felt outdated as fuck in the previous game
already. You can roll now though, that was a nice
addition. And maybe it's a bit harder to hit enemies and
sometimes your characters get stuck in objects here eh. In
this game they can't die though, so it's game over when it
happens, but I didn't have any problems saving them.
Finally you can repair vehicles here so they aren't
useless lol. Missions are more complex and detailed (I
liked the one where you are escaping from a prison camp
starting with just your knife) but for some reason I
enjoyed the simplicity of the first game more. But either
way it's still a good game, with no end credits again wtf.
It had DLC uniforms though, one of them was a fucking
Santa outfit lmao. The next game takes place in Vietnam,
I'm looking forward to that one but I really hope they do
something with the controls. |
2022/07/18 |
Driver (PlayStation) Developer: Reflections Interactive Publisher: GT Interactive Software Released: 1999 Genre: Driving, action |
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I heard of this series of course, but I'm
not sure when exactly (maybe when Grand Theft Auto III
came out?). What I remember clearly is the Driv3r
review scandal, that was a pretty big deal at the time. I
knew it's supposed to be a proto Grand Theft Auto
with the big open city where you can drive around and cops
chasing you but that's about it. And that it can be
insanely frustrating thanks to those cops so I didn't want
to waste a CD on it. However it doesn't work on that
shitty emulator but I still wanted to experience this
series so that's where my PlayStation
Portable comes in handy, it was released
there officially with a built in manual, and you know it's
pretty cool to play PlayStation
games on it, like I didn't feel like it makes it less
enjoyable. You are playing as Tanner who is an undercover
cop working for ciminals as a getaway driver. To be honest
I had a hard time following the story, you get your
missions in your motel room on an answering machine (and
you can choose between them and go through different paths
which was cool, and also there are sometimes joke calls
like someone tries to order food or some Arab or Indian
nonsense lmao) and sometimes you get really bad cutscenes
and it all sounds like they were actually recorded in a
motel room because I can barely tell the difference
between the characters or the voices and what they are
saying lol. The first mission is a tutorial where you have
to pull insane driving tricks in a garage to impress the
criminals to hire you, and fuck it was so brutal even with
practicing it in the separate training mode I couldn't
beat it, so I read a guide carefully and watched the video
in the training mode then I was able to beat it after a
few tries. The game takes place in a couple different
cities (Miami, San Fransisco, Los Angeles and New York)
and it's pretty impressive how we can drive around in
these big cities in a PlayStation
game, but it isn't an open world game so there really
isn't anything there to discover or pick up. But
unfortunately that's all the positives, because this is
genuinely one of the worst piece of shit games I've ever
played. You can't get good at it, it requires no skill
whatsoever, even if you master the car handling it doesn't
matter because everything comes down to random cop and
traffic spawns aka luck. And it has the most bullshit
artificial difficulty I've ever seen too because the cars
always try to turn the exact same moment as you or spawn
right in front of you so you can't avoid crashing, not to
mention bullshit like cops spawning right at your mission
goal when your car is damaged as fuck or have barely any
time left to complete the mission. Most missions are the
same shit too, like driving somewhere in time, chasing
someone or avoiding cops, only two of them were different
and memorable enough, the one where you are driving a taxi
and have to scare the passenger with doing tricks lol and
when you are smashing restaurant windows. Ah and of course
the infamous last mission which I can't fucking believe I
managed to complete: you need to drive the US President
somewhere, all cars handle like shit but this is even
worse, and the entire fucking New York police force and
secret agents are after you, crashing into your car like
crazy and destroying you in seconds. So I'm sorry but I
don't care how revolutionary those big cities were when
the gameplay is the most rage inducing shit you can
imagine. There are a couple other game modes too, a free
ride mode where you can drive around the cities (kinda
pointless because you can't do anything), dirt tracks,
chasing another car and destroying it, trying to escape
from hordes of cops, checkpoints and a trail blazer mode
where you need to hit cones to increase the time limit (I
tried to do this one but it was also fucking rage inducing
shit thanks to the traffic). It also has a really detailed
replay editor where you can make them look like car chase
films which is cool I guess but I don't give a shit about
these things, I never save or watch replays. You know even
though it's seriously one of the worst piece of shit games
I've played I still want to play through this series, and
I have a feeling Driver 2: Back on the Streets is
better simply because you can get out of your car and
steal another one and I think it could solve a lot of
issues with this game. |
2022/07/09 |
Mister Mosquito
(PlayStation 2) Developer: Zoom Publisher: Eidos Interactive (Fresh Games) Released: 2002 Genre: Simulation, stealth |
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This is the kind of crazy fucking Japanese
game is why I'm glad I bought a PlayStation
2 too lmao. You are playing as a mosquito
who makes this Japanese family's life miserable, I mean
how cool is that concept? Before the levels start you see
these cutscenes of the family talking in a huddle lmao and
they speak with such a stereotypical accent that it would
give bored first worlders a reason to be outraged about
something if it came out today lmao. And they talk about
the most batshit insane things, I swear the Japanese have
no idea how people work lmao, like don't wear those
clothes my fat bald dad or my rich upper class friend
would find you attractive lmao wtf, or how that friend has
never been bitten by a mosquito because she is rich lol,
and one time she slides into the huddle when they are
talking about her or when the dad bumps into the screen
implying there is an actual camera in front of them (which
we can see in the end credits where they all lean forward
the floor to talk to it lmao). Obviously the goal is to
suck blood, you have these blood tanks you need to fill
(and you can find more hidden on the map) but you can only
do that from suck spots lmao, and sometimes you need to do
something to reveal them, like switching off the lights or
turning on the radio and that was pretty cool. The
bloodsucking itself is pretty hard, you gotta rotate the
right stick either slowly or crazy fast, but the PlayStation 2 controller just
ain't good for that. You gotta stop when they get too
stressed by it or they will slap you and it's game over
lol. The levels are just rooms in the house (except the
last one where you fly around the entire house sucking
blood one last time lol), and the situations are like the
dad watching TV, the mom making dinner or my favorite the
daughter having a bath and you need to suck blood from her
titties lmao. Besides the extra tanks there are hidden
hearts too you can collect to increase your maximum
health, a different kind of heart to recharge your health
or fruits that give you tips (most of them are completely
useless shit like you collected whatever % so far). And
they have some dangerous shit you need to avoid especially
later in the game, like the AC and bug repellants
everywhere lol. And the characters are fucking crazy here
too, like the mom doing somersaults in the air when she is
cooking or the dad throwing fucking fireballs at you
during a battle lmao. Battles start when they notice you
and you need to hit some relax points to end them, and if
you can do that in a certain amount of time you unlock new
mosquito skins (I unlocked them all, the last one was
cool). If you fill up all the extra tanks too you unlock
the second year and you can start over again with
different situations I think. You get a report card at the
end and I got a D rank lol even though I unlocked all
colors and filled up all the tanks eh. Honestly gameplay
wise it's nothing special but I just love this stupid
fucking game so much lmao. I hope I can find more crazy
Japanese games like this lol. |
2022/07/08 |
Pursuit Force
(PlayStation Portable) Developer: Bigbig Studios Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Released: 2005 Genre: Vehicular combat |
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I downloaded the PAL version of this game
first but apparently it was so hard that they had to add
checkpoints to levels in the US version lol, and it
definitely helps a lot because it can be frustratingly
hard, I can't even imagine beating this game without
checkpoints. You are playing as a cop in a city ruled by 5
gangs (mafia, mercenaries, prisoners, girl thieves lol and
the yakuza) and they all have 6 missions (with the last
being the boss fight vs the gang leader) but you can't
just finish one gang and move on to the next one because
they have rank requirements so you are gonna switch
between them. Most of the time you will be driving a car
or a motorbike and chasing the criminals, but there are
third person firefights, turret sections and speedboat
chases too. The coolest thing is how you can jump from one
vehicle to another, like make insane long jumps and shoot
at the enemies in the car lol, and then you have this
Justice Bar which you can fill up by killing enemies (and
it depletes when you hit or shoot a civilian) and when you
press it while jumping it slows down time and you can
finish them off before you land on the car lmao (otherwise
it restores health), but you can also fall off while you
are trying to take over the vehicle so you gotta focus on
your balance too. And when you capture the car you get the
criminal's gun which is usually more powerful (you can do
the same when you arrest them in the third person
sections). As you progress you unlock new skills like
regenerating health or less likely to fall off from the
top of vehicles, new game modes like races and time
trials, and some pics and videos in the gallery. The new
game modes are just extra time-wasters, time trial doesn't
seem to add anything and I usually hate that mode anyway,
but with races you can unlock stuff in the gallery by
finishing first (but some of them are ridiculously hard).
I have two big problems with this game, firstly there is
no mission variety, you are doing the same shit over and
over again. There is a mission where you are driving a bus
that has a bomb and you can't slow down or it blows up,
and you gotta get the passangers to jump off to cop cars -
just like the movie Speed lol, I wish it had more missions
like this. And the other thing is how ridiculously
frustrating this game is, especially the fucking Vixens
missions where it's usually just one big mission without
sections and checkpoints, it took me forever to finish
them. Still there is something about the gameplay and the
insane jumps that made it really addictive, so I'm
definitely gonna play the sequel. |
2022/06/28 |
LocoRoco (PlayStation Portable) Developer: Japan Studio Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Released: 2006 Genre: Platform, puzzle |
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My first thought was what the fuck is this
game lol. Normally I hate 2D games but I remember seeing
the cover of Patapon a lot and I liked how it
looked and wanted to play it. I don't think I knew this
game exists until recently but for some reason I had the
same reaction to it, it looked so cute and I thought maybe
it's a fun relaxing game (oh how wrong I was). So some
planet is attacked by these black things called Moja who
eat the yellow blobs who are the LocoRoco lmao and I think
you are playing as the world and guiding these blobs to
defeat the invaders. It's basically a 2D platformer but
the controls are very simple, there are only 3 buttons you
are gonna use, L and R to tilt the planet left and right,
and you can jump by pressing both. And with the circle you
can mutliply into small blobs lmao. I think there are 5
world and they all have different levels but they are all
similar in every world, like a flower level, a tree level,
a winter level, inside the stomach of a large animal lmao
and you collect flies (I guess they are the currency for
the minigames), fruits (they make you bigger and add
another little blob when you multiply lol) and these moles
you can find who give you something extra for your house
lol. It's such a cute and fun game though, I love how the
yellow blobs scream when they merge back into a big one
lol, or how they sing to the Mui Mui moles when they find
them, even the music in the game is this gibberish singing
(actually you can find different colored ones and they
have different voices, like a kid, a man, a woman, or
another ones with different accents). But you know even
though it looks like a game made for children it's so
fucking frustrating to play. It's hard as fuck to make
some jumps and trying to find hidden routes, or those
black shits will fuck you up and you will lose some of
your little blobs, I could never complete any level 100%.
There are also some minigames that costs flies to play,
like a house where you can place stuff so your blob can
play there, a crane where you can get more stuff for your
house and then there is this Chuppa Chuppa thing that
launches you like a golf ball lol to try get to the end of
the course but it's literally impossible. And there is a
level editor too but I didn't try it. So yeah it might be
frustrating but I still think it's a very unique and cute
little game. |
2022/06/19 |
Unreal Championship
(Xbox) Developers: Epic Games, Digital Extremes Publisher: Infogrames Released: 2002 Genre: First-person shooter |
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I played Unreal Tournament a little
bit like 20 years ago but I don't remember much except
that floating space map lol (actually Red Faction 2
has something similar that's why I liked the multiplayer).
This game is basically a port of Unreal Tournament
2003 and I didn't want to play it because I was
thinking I would rather play Unreal Championship 2:
The Liandri Conflict which is more of a unique game
made for the Xbox, but then I realized what if
it's just a port lol I'm not gonna play it on PC anyway
and a multiplayer game with bots is always a good thing to
have. I also thought about playing Unreal first
but I watched some videos on YouTube and I don't think I
would like it. So I have no idea about the backstory, it's
something about prisoners fighting in a tournament similar
to gladiators I guess. You need to pick a character (I
picked a mercenary with a machine gun), they all have
different stats and weapons and you need to pick teammates
too and no fucking way I'm gonna go through all of them so
I just picked some other mercenaries lol. The single
player has no story, you just go through 7 random DM, TDM,
CTF etc. maps with more and more of your teammates. It
starts with a nice little tutorial that explains some of
the weapons like the one that you can use to teleport but
I pretty much only used the machine gun, rocket launcher
and that awesome sniper rifle. It also explains pickups
and most importantly Adrenaline, which you can use to
activate special abilities when it reaches 100. It can be
invisibility, speed boost, more damage or health
regeneration which is the only one I used because it gave
you almost twice as much health and shield you have on
default lol, it was really useful when I had to take a
flag back to the base and all the enemies were after me
(and because it was easy to active, you gotta remember
which 4 directions to press and this was the only one I
remembered lmao). The game is actually lot of fun, the
maps are pretty good (although sometimes I got lost lol)
and the AI is really smart and their behavior is pretty
close to human players which was really impressive, and
you can give them orders too like attack or defend the
flag. Sometimes it can be really fucking hard, like one
CTF match ended 1:0 in overtime, it was really fucking
brutal but I think it all depends on the map, because on
some of them you could easily win in just a few minutes.
There are two other modes in singeplayer, in Double
Domination you gotta control 2 points for 10 seconds to
win the round and they are on the opposite sides of the
map, and Bombing Run which is an American football like
game mode lol, you need to pick up a bomb and you can't
use any weapons while you have it and run into the enemies
base to score a touchdown and you can throw the bomb too
like you are passing lol. Winning on every map unlocks the
last round where you are basically fighting against your
teammates one on one, and if you kill all of them your
reward is being put in a tube on one of the maps where you
will be part of the tournament forever as a spectator...
damn lmao. Btw I installed the DLC maps too, and this game
is infamous for being the first Xbox game to
receive a patch. I played a little bit before I installed
it, apparently it disables anti-aliasing to help with the
framerate but I didn't really notice that much difference.
Anyway it was really exciting and fun to play, I will
probably play it like Star Wars: Battlefront
when I'm bored sometimes, and probably online too once
that Xbox
Live replacement
finally launches. |
2022/06/15 |
Ace Combat 2
(PlayStation) Developer: Namco Publisher: Namco Released: 1997 Genre: Air combat simulation |
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Now this looks more like a proper Ace
Combat game, and I can't believe how much better it
looks especially for a game from 1997. The music is really
nice too, it's the same kind of rock music but mixed with
some jazz. And it finally has analog controls, you almost
get the modern controls with the Expert config. It's also
the first game that introduced aces, ground units like
tanks and finally a proper outside view with a HUD. This
isn't really story focused too, but at least missions feel
unique and interesting. You are part of the Scarface unit
and you were hired to fight military force that staged a
coup and took over a country, that's it. It also
introduces cool proper briefings with all the infos and
enemies, and also that replay simulation after missions
which are so cool (I also love that ancient green computer
effect when you load the game). You can still hire a
wingman sometimes and they use different planes based on
the task you give them, they also have cool 3D character
models lol. You have your usual trench runs of course lol,
and there are two layers in this game, under and above the
cloud but I barely flew above it. Sometimes at the end of
the mission you gota land on an airfield or an aircraft
carrier but it was kinda hard, I crashed the plane a few
times lol. It has some memorable missions and locations,
like avoiding constant missile locks when you are
destroying a secret lab, flying low through a fjord to
destroy an enemy base, attacking a cool looking city at
night etc. Doing certain tasks during some missions
unlocks a different bonus mission you can do instead of
the normal one, I always did those instead. And at some
point missions split into two different paths, I went with
path B but actually after I beat the game I went back to
play path A too that's how much I enjoyed playing this
game. It's also the first Ace Combat game where I
tried to destroy all targets and aces (I usually just went
after the mission targets in the other ones), and you
actually need to kill all the Z.O.E. aces if you want to
get the true ending, because that's what unlocks the last
two missions. In the first one you are chasing a rocket
and you can only shoot it down with the machine gun which
was a nightmare to do lol, and the last one of course is a
trench run, and actually I'm pretty sure it's the same one
as the last mission of Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
lol. I really enjoyed it and actually it's my second
favorite Ace Combat game so far. The next one is Ace
Electrosphere, which has a butchered
international version so I will have to play the
translated Japanese one instead for the complete
experience. But for that I still need to test out if I
play NTSC games with the solution I've found. |
2022/06/14 |
Batman: Arkham
Asylum (Xbox
360) Developer: Rocksteady Studios Publisher: Eidos Interactive Released: 2009 Genre: Action-adventure |
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Okay so first of all I fucking hate
superhero garbage, especially how they shit out the exact
same movies every fucking year, it fucking ruined cinema.
So I never cared about Batman or any other superheroes,
the only comics I like are the Dark Horse Star Wars comics
(in fact I read almost all of them) and Sandman, that's
it. As for movies I only watched the X-Men and original
Spiderman movies. So obviously I didn't care about this
game at all, but it came with my Xbox
360 and like 6-7 years
ago I installed it because I didn't know what to play and
I thought maybe I will like it, but I stopped playing on
the first level, I just couldn't care less. As it was
still installed and I didn't know what to play next I just
decided to force myself to finish it with using an
official strategy guide again. The story is about Batman
capturing Joker and taking him to this Arkham Asylum where
all the bad guys are locked in, but he somehow breaks lose
and takes over the place and you gotta stop him. There are
more villains other than him and his henchmen of course,
some of them are boss fights, some are more like a puzzle,
or you just talk to them, but my favorite was the
Scarecrow nightmare scenes where you are hallucinating and
you get fake game overs and game glitches, they were so
cool. You can also unlock character bios (which is good
for people like me who have no fucking idea who these
people are) of other bad (or good) guys by finding hidden
stuff like interview tapes or solving riddles, but man
most of these villains are so fucking lame, like a fucking
mothman, some toy kid lmao, a speaking puppet etc, they
are so fucking ridiculous I can't believe how seriously
people take these fucking comic book shit. There are a lot
of these collectibles you can find, Joker teeth to
destroy, Riddler trophies, interview tapes, but sometimes
you need to be in Detective Vision mode to just notice
them, especially for Riddler challenges where you have to
line up some question mark to scan them or scan some
object that could be the solution to the riddle, and there
are these Spirit of Arkham things you need to scan too to
hear the history of the place and how the founder of this
place went crazy. The problem is I would be fucked without
a guide, there is no way I would have been able to find
most of them. I didn't want to get invested in a long game
just right before the insane summer heat and I thought it
won't be long but Jesus I spent like 30 minutes trying to
to find these riddles and shit, and I gotta be in that
Detective Vision mode all the time to not to miss
anything, it was so exhausting. And the reason you need
those is because they give you XP which you need to unlock
more moves and gadgets. With new gadgets you can progress
through the story and go back to previous locations to
find more hidden collectibles. There are two kind of
combat situations, one is where your fight random thugs
with combos, it's a weird freeflow kind of thing where you
are just beating the shit out of everyone with a button,
it sounds very easy but I couldn't really keep the combos
going for too long lol. The other one is with guys with
armed weapons and here you gotta use stealth, hiding in
vents and swinging from gargoyles and slowly take them out
one by one because guns can kill you easily. To be honest
I liked the gameplay, it was fun to play, even if the
combat was frustrating sometimes and hunting for
collectibles was exhausting. But it just relies so much on
using Detective Vision I couldn't really appreciate how
good the game looks. After beating the game you can go
back to solve the remaining riddles and find everything,
but it's an empty place now with no enemies. Some of them
unlock challenges you can do, and they are the two combat
styles. First one you need to get certain points to get
these bat medals, the second one the stealthy taking out
armed enemies, but there you need to kill them by how the
challenge requires it. I did a few of them but I just
couldn't care honestly, it ain't BioShock 2 that's
for sure. I didn't expect to like this game, but I ain't
gonna play the sequels that's for sure, because they are
open world games and I can't even imagine how exhausting
this gameplay must be in those kind of games. |
2022/06/09 |
Conflict: Desert
Storm (Xbox) Developer: Pivotal Games Publisher: SCi Games Released: 2002 Genre: Tactical shooter |
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This is a game I've seen a lot in the lists
I usually go through, I thought about playing it many
times but I always changed my mind because I thought it's
some shitty budget game. I don't know why but I kept
thinking about it so I finally decided to play it. It's
basically like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon or Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
but in third person (and I liked those games a lot), and I
guess SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs on the PlayStation 2 which I thought
this was the clone of, but apparently they were developed
at the same time so that's another reason why I decided to
play it. It takes place during the Gulf War and you can
pick either the SAS or the Delta Force to play through the
game (I picked the SAS because the developers were
British), the only difference is the voices and that all
the SAS soldiers have Medic skills too. It opens with a
nice long training which explains everything, it's like a
bootcamp lol but this is where I noticed that the squad
command controls are ridiculously complicated so I mostly
just used follow me or hold and fire at will commands lol.
And moving feels so weird, I couldn't really get used to
it. Aiming is pretty bad in third person mode too but it
has auto aim so you can just switch between targets, but I
used the first person mode when I was shooting at enemies.
Missions are like typical military stuff, like destroying
vehicles, rescuing POWs, escorting a scientist to defuse a
bomb etc. There were some vehicle missions too but
honestly you are better off getting out of it and doing
everything on foot because it controls like a nightmare
lmao. Some missions continue on the next level with your
previous equipment so you gotta pay attention to your
ammo. And you can only save twice during a mission to make
it more difficult. The last mission is breaking into some
fortress and killing a general who looks like Saddam lmao.
Your team has 4 soldiers and all of them has a different
class, like the squad leader who is good with assault
rifles and can call atrillery and airstrikes (that's so
cool I wish Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon had this), a sniper, a
heavy weapon expert and a demolition expert. You can
switch between them anytime so that's what I usually did
instead of giving them super complicated orders lol. It's
the first tactial shooter where I made sure all my
teammates survive lol and that means they all had max
skill by the end of the game. It's also the first game
I've seen without end credits, I don't know why they
didn't add one it was kinda weird. So yeah basically
it's a third person Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon with artillery and
airstrikes and vehicles, I liked it but I wish the
controls were better, either way I'm gonna play the rest
of the series (except the last game which is apparently
terrible). And I guess SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs too,
I didn't want to play it but after this game I probably
will. |
2022/05/31 |
Assassin's Creed:
Bloodlines (PlayStation
Portable) Developer: Griptonite Games Publisher: Ubisoft Released: 2009 Genre: Action-adventure, stealth |
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So I knew there are handheld and mobile Assassin's
Creed games but I thought they are just cheap shitty
games. But then I found out about this one and it looks
like a proper Assassin's Creed game which was
really suprising to me. And it's kinda like what a very
early PlayStation 2 Assassin's
Creed game would look like. You still have your
cities (without a countryside so no travelling between
them) but they are smaller and broken up to smaller
segments with a loading screen and there aren't as many
civilians on the streets but otherwise everything is
there, buildings to climb up to, those eagle towers,
hiding from guards etc. The story takes place a year after
the first game, where Altair travels to Cyprus to hunt
down the remnants of the Templar Order. It doesn't add
much to the story of the series (well at least I don't
think so) but we can see him write his journals we find in
Assassin's Creed II and how he met the girl from
that memory we saw, so it's an interesting addition to the
second game. And I liked the first game's setting so it's
nice to play more of it without that godawful boring
gameplay lmao, this one is more similar to the second game
but of course more simple. You still have your secondary
missions like delivering a letter or assassinating
someone, and the main missions of course but there isn't
much else to do other than collecting these Templar coins.
There are Bronze, Silver and a Gold one in every district
and they give you points which you can use to upgrade your
abilities, like more health, more damage, more knives,
stuff like that. And it's cool it has built in achievement
too like Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
lol. I couldn't quite figure out the combat in these games
but here I just threw knives first then used block and
counterattack all the time lol, I will try that in the
next game too, even though it makes the combat last
longer. But man the controls, good lord... Yeah camera
controls were expected to be bad but it has the same
problems as the second game but much worse, like when I
wanted to sprint and he just jumped on the wall
instead, or I got stuck in everything, or falling down
constantly and jumping on the wrong roof and shit. And the
story kinda falls apart by the end when you just
assassinate a bunch of targets in a row without any
cutscenes, and the ending was disappointing too like the
story went nowhere. And it's pretty buggy too, so I guess
it's nothing special but still it was interesting to play
a game like this on a handheld console. But I just
realized it's been almost 2 years since I played Assassin's
II and I can't believe I still haven't played
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood yet, so once the
usual insane summer heat is over I'm gonna finally start
playing it. |
2022/05/28 |
(PlayStation 2) Developer: Free Radical Design Publisher: Eidos Interactive Released: 2000 Genre: First-person shooter |
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I didn't know which PlayStation
2 game to play next and as I was going
through a list of games in release order I noticed this
game which was a launch title. Now I played TimeSplitters
2 years ago after I softmodded my Xbox but I
didn't like it, it was frustrating to play especially that
fucking spy level, the aiming was so weird and I couldn't
get used to it and there was no story basically just
random levels as you travel through time. Apparently there
are more to these games besides the campaign (especially a
multiplayer with bots) but I didn't know about it at that
time. Still though I want to play TimeSplitters:
Future Perfect because that one has a proper
campaign, so I said eh might as well just play the first
game too. I knew that this one had even less story so at
least I can finish it quickly but I wasn't prepared for
this Story mode lol. Basically you get random levels, you
need to get through them fighting enemies, grab some item
which spawns the TimeSplitters, then get back to the
starting point, that's it. And you know how long this
takes? Less than 5 minutes. Every level. And there is only
a few of them. I knew the PlayStation
2 launch titles were garbage but fucking
hell this is like a joke lol. Anyway completing missions
unlocks new stuff for the Arcade mode which is the
multiplayer with bots, and that was really the focus of
this game. And yeah it's fun I guess, but why would I play
it when I can play the sequel too? Completing all missions
unlocks the Challenge mode where you need to complete
certain goals with a time limit. I did one challenge then
failed the rest lmao, the game has brutal auto aim but
here you need to use your aiming too which is the worst
fucking shit ever. There is also a level editor for
multiplayer which is cool I guess, but why would I care
about it you know? Presentation wise, I didn't like the
artstyle and you can really tell it has no anti-aliasing
with all those fucking jaggies, and yet for some reason
the loading times were so long. The only positive thing
about this game is it made me interested in going back to
TimeSplitters 2 to see what else it has to offer
besides the campaign. |
2022/05/22 |
Spyro the Dragon
(PlayStation) Developer: Insomniac Games Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Released: 1998 Genre: Platform |
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After trying out some PlayStation 2 platformers I
thought maybe I should check out what the PlayStation has to offer, and
this one seemed like the best choice as I remember it
being the best and most famous one and it looked easy
enough. I didn't want to waste a CD though so I used that
shitty emulator, apparently it works fine but the music
sometimes skipped. In the dragon world this orc-gnome
hybrid guy called Gnasty Gnorc turns every dragon into
crystals, but this young dragon called Spyro manages to
avoid that fate so it's up to him and his dragonfly buddy
(who is there to show with his colors how much health you
have left) to save them. Basically you are collecting
crystals (which sometimes are in chests), killing enemies
(the normal ones with flame, the metal ones with charge)
and rescue crystallized dragons (who will give you some
tips or just say thanks lol). Sometimes there are these
fairies who help you by flying you to somehwere else
(because normally you can only use your wings to glide) or
giving you a kiss to make your flame more powerful lol.
You travel to different dragon worlds with balloons and
each has portals to its levels (one of them being a bonus
level where you can fly around with time limit and gotta
do everything for bonus crystals) with the last portal
usually leading to the boss level. And man the levels look
incredible, the game has such a gorgeous artstyle and
colors, and those skyboxes oh my god (especially on Doctor
Shemp it's so beautiful). It's seriously one of the best
looking games I've seen, it's just such a warm and soulful
experience. The music is cool too but that's not a suprise
because it was made by a real musician lmao. The controls
aren't the best, they feel kinda clunky but that was
expected from a PlayStation
game. Spyro can sprint by holding down the charge button
and you can use that for those supercharge ramps but good
lord that was the most frustrating part of this game (fuck
that fucking Tree Tops level). And the last boss was a
nightmare too because you have to chase him and it's so
fucking hard to control Spyro when you are sprinting, I
don't even know how many times I had to restart that
level. Because the only difficulty is the controls I
collected everything, and that unlocked the final bonus
level called Gnasty's Loot, where you can fly around
collecting the last remaining treasures, then you get a
bonus cutscene setting up the sequel lol. So I really
liked the game, I appreciate it as much as I would have as
kid back in those days. I'm definitely gonna play the rest
of the PlayStation
series, but only those because the later ones weren't made
by the original developers (who also made Ratchet
& Clank btw, and honestly I could tell that from
game). But I can't play them on the console because they
don't work on that shitty emulator and I can't burn them
on CD because they have that retarded copyprotection.
That's where my new PlayStation
Portable comes in handy, they were
officially released there. I just hope they will be just
as enjoyable on it as this one was on the TV. |
2022/05/17 |
BioShock 2
(Xbox 360) Developer: 2K Marin Publisher: 2K Games Released: 2010 Genre: First-person shooter |
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So I didn't know which Xbox 360 game to play next but I
would like to play through most of the 2010 and earlier
games first, and one of them was BioShock 2. The
first game was such a big disappointment that I pretty
much had to force myself to start playing it. One thing
that helped me start it is the official strategy guide I
found, it helped a lot to make it less frustrating and to
experience most of what the game has to offer. So this
time you play as a Big Daddy lol, I liked that part at the
end of the first game so I was hoping this will be more
fun to play. The intro video was what I really wanted from
this series, when Rapture was a living city full of people
where you can investigate or some shit but nope, you are
an early Big Daddy and your Little Sister's mother shots
you to get her daugher back. Like a decade later you wake
up in one of those tubes and now that woman called Sofia
Lamb runs the city, but unlike Ryan who was a libertarian
she is more like a commie lol. So you journey through the
city with the help of Sinclair from the first game to get
your Little Sister Eleanor (who is all grown up now) back
from her evil mother. Unfortunately it's the same shitty
city without people you can interact with (you still can
only hear them on the radio or see them behind windows eh)
but it's more linear this time and I think that helps this
kind of game a lot, but it still takes a long time to get
through a level because there is so much you can explore.
The best change is how you can use your weapons and the
plasmids at the same time now, it was so shit how I had to
switch between them in the first game, I barely ever used
the plasmids because of that. But this makes the gameplay
so much fucking fun seriously, both the weapons and
plasmids are more fun to use, I loved summoning turrets
and shit, hypnotizing big enemies or near the end
summoning Eleanor too who just fucks everyone up lmao. And
there are more enemies too not just the same annoying shit
in the first game, big mutant guys or different types of
Big Daddies, and also these Big Sisters who are grown up
Little Sisters who are really fast and powerful and will
appear after you save Little Sisters. It's the same here
as you can save or sacrifice them (I saved all of them
just to make sure I won't get any fucking bullshit ending
like in the first game), but to get Adam you need to take
them to bodies where they harvest it while you are
protecting them. This was actually fun to do as well, you
can set up traps and shit and wait for the enemies to
come. Hacking is so much better too, you just need to
press a button at the right time instead of that terrible
minigame, and you can use hacking darts to hack turrets
and cameras that are far away from you. They improved the
way researching works too, instead of taking pictures
(which i mostly forgot to to do in the first game) you
take short videos now, and the crazier your attacks the
more points you get. So gameplay wise everything is just
better, but I honestly think the story is better too. I
don't get why everyone loves the first game's story so
much, the only interesting thing was the twist but besides
that it really isn't anything great. Not only this story
is more emotional (basically a father's journey to save
his daughter), but your choices actually matter: there are
a few characters you will meet and learn more about how
they contributed to what happened to you and Eleanor and
you can decide to kill them or let them live, and your
action influences how Eleanor behaves and how the story
ends, so no more of that ass pull ending. And there are
some really cool moments too like when you are controlling
a Little Sister and see the world through her eyes where
everything looks beautiful, or learning about the story of
that father through audio tapes who travelled to Rapture
to find his daughter and what happens to him. It really is
a great fucking game, and it feels exactly like Assassin’s
II as it's just so much better than the first
game and a lot of fun, I seriously don't understand people
who say shit like it's just a cheap rehash. So I went from
thinking it's gonna be just like the first game but I will
have to suffer through it to experience BioShock
Infinite to thinking it's one of the best games I've
played in the last couple years. And actually it has DRM
free DLCs too so I played the single player ones (I don't
know how the multiplayer is but apparently it's fun too).
BioShock 2: The Protector Trials is basically a set of challenges
where you gotta protect a Little Sister with a specific
set of weapons, plasmids and gene tonics (sometimes you
don't get weapons at all or just traps) while she is
harvesting Adam. I died on my first try so I was like eh
fuck this it's the same shit like all of them but for some
reason I tried it again and I realized that it's so much
fun figuring out how to kill enemies with your limited
equipment. You earn stars by completing them and unlock
concept arts or videos, and when you complete them all you
get these bonus rounds when you have every weapon, plasmid
and gene tonic and can fuck everyone up easily just for
fun lmao. It says a lot about this game that these are the
only challenges I ever enjoyed and wanted to complete them
all, which I did with an A rank and unlocked the special
tonic for the next DLC, BioShock 2: Minerva's Den. This is a new story
of the supercomputer of Rapture, you are playing as
another Big Daddy who is guided by the computer's creator
Charles Milton Porter to retrieve its schematics so he can
recreate it in the surface. You learn about him and how
his wife died, it's also a really emotional story. This
one has a new laser weapon, some black hole type plasmid,
new enemies and turrets too. I didn't really understand
why people say this DLC is the best BioShock
related thing until that ending that hits you hard with
that twist. I don't necessarily think it's better than the
main game but it does hit you hard emotionally. So what
can I say, this game is incredible, I just hope BioShock
Infinite won't be a disappointment cause it will be
very hard to surpass this game. |
2022/05/13 |
Armed and Dangerous
(Xbox) Developer: Planet Moon Studios Publisher: LucasArts Released: 2003 Genre: First-person shooter, third-person shooter |
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I remember reading a lot about this one in
magazines, it's a really funny game with Monty Python
style humor that I always wanted to play. I loved how the
characters looked and the absolutely insane weapons like
the land shark gun lmao or the one that changes gravity,
or the small black hole. You are playing as Roman, the
leader of the bandits called Lionhearts and with your
friends Jonesy the demolition expert mole and Q the tea
addicted robot lmao you are visiting your blind "father"
Rexus who was a wizard until he lost his memories. The
manual has a pretty detailed backstory but basically you
are trying to steal the Book of Rule back from the evil
king. The first thing you will notice is the cutscenes
look so fucking weird, like some very early 90s 3D
animation. At first I thought they did it on purpose but
the more I played I realized nope these developers just
suck fucking ass. Then when I started playing I couldn't
believe how ridiculously hard this game is, I couldn't
even progress after the first two missions and had to
restart the game on easy, but then it was was too fucking
easy to play. Basically there are shitton of enemies who
just come at you from everywhere and destroy you in
seconds, but the gameplay is god fucking awful anyway, you
are either destroying buildings or blowing up shit, saving
villagers or doing turret missions. When you save
villagers you drag their bodies and they are flying behind
you lmao, seriously it was baffling how bad the game was,
for a while I just thought they did these shit on purpose
because I couldn't believe someone would release a game
like this in 2003 but nope, the developers were just
talentless hacks. The maps actually looked really nice but
everything else was god fucking awful, I just don't
understand this. Maybe they wanted to work with their
friends but most of them had no idea how to make a fucking
game? There are tokens you can find on every level and
they unlock stuff like cheats, difficulties or extra
missions after the story ends but they are fucking
terrible too, like stay alive for 5 minutes when there is
insane amount of fire coming from everywhere. So this game
is a huge disappointment, the only thing that saves it is
the humor. I loved how stupid it was, my favorite things
were the reprogrammed gardening robots lmao and the Lady
of the Pond got hit with a rock and doesn't remember who
she was and all the Star Wars references. Just watch the
cutscenes on YouTube because nothing happens during
missions that adds anything to the story. |
2022/05/03 |
(PlayStation 2) Developer: Amuze Publisher: SCEE Released: 2002 Genre: Action-adventure |
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I'm not sure how I knew about this game but
I remember the cover with the guy in the sunglasses, in
fact for some reason I thought it's some iconic game
(spoiler: it really isn't lol). It looked kinda
interesting though, especially how you can travel through
the city on a motorbike so I decided to try it (and I want
to go through some of the early PlayStation
2 games that I find interesting before I
get to the more famous ones). I loved how the game is like
those 90s dystopian B movies, and we can learn about this
crazy world with TV news segments that have real actors
lol, it was pretty cool. In this world they have a new
type of gun that doesn't really cause any damage just
makes the victim braindead because they remove the organs
of criminals lmao. And instead of cops there is a bounty
hunter like organization, which the guy we control named
Jack Wade is part of. But he has amnesia and doesn't
remember his past, only escaping from a laboratory. So he
gotta start again as a rookie and climb the ranks to
access more information and weapons to solve the murder
case of his former boss by the request of his daughter
Angela (at some point you will play as her too). To climb
the ranks you have to do these VR missions to obtain new
licenses, which are either passing through checkpoints
with your motorbike and killing or avoiding enemies.
Besides higher license ranks sometimes missions have a
driving skill requirement too (don't ask me why).
Basically you gotta drive fast to get more skill points
and if you hit something you lose points. But the bike
controls like absolute dogshit, it either turns like crazy
from the slightest movement or barely fucking turns at
all, so I just drove in the sewers back and forth to get
the skill points. The third person controls are fucking
terrible too, originally this was a Dreamcast
game so it doesn't use the second analog stick and I can't
move the fucking camera, I had to turn and roll to get
lucky and stand in front of the enemy to aim at him (at
least there is auto aim). Because of this you are gonna
die a lot, but thank god it's broken up to small segments
so when you enter a floor or room there is a loading
screen and if you die you can just restart there. And the
enemies are so fucking dumb, after a few second they
forget you shot at them and just start doing their normal
shit again, not to mention they can't hear shit so you can
run and shoot behind them and they won't notice lmao.
There are some minigames like defusing a bomb and puzzles
too, but fucking hell I have no idea how people could
solve that camera puzzle with those retarded fucking
symbols without taking a photo of their TV. Basically the
only thing that saves this game is the story and the
world. It had an interesting twist at the end so I'm
curious about the sequel, I just hope it has better
fucking gameplay. |
2022/04/24 |
Max Payne 2: The
Fall of Max Payne (Xbox) Developer: Remedy Entertainment Publisher: Rockstar Games Released: 2003 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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Finally I got to this game, I had no idea I
would enjoy Max Payne so much. This port isn't as
good as the first one, like there are no mirror
reflections and on one level there was an insane slowdown
when I was outside in the rain but otherwise it's fine.
This game is more darker and serious, but I kinda miss the
gofiness of the first game (and Sam Lake's stupid face).
It's always raining outside, and with the incredible music
(especially the theme with the violin) it creates such an
awesome atmosphere. Max is back being a detective when he
runs into Mona Sax, the hitwoman (is that a word?) from
the first game. Max is still dealing with his demons but
they fall in love while investigating another conspiracy.
Some other characters are back too like Vlad and TV shows
too which I loved in the first game, there are more of
them here and TV commercials too lol, and they are in
pretty much every mission which is cool. The best one is
Address Unknown which is another Twin Peaks inspired one,
and my favorite level is basically a closed theme park
based on that show, it's seriously one of the coolest
levels I've ever seen in a game (and there is a Dick
Justice cop show lol and that Captain Baseball Bat cartoon
is back, and one of the characters is forced to wear that
suit lol so there is some goofiness in this game too).
Gameplay wise it's pretty much the same, there is barely
anything new here. The notable thing is you can interact
with NPCs, you can get some cool conversations and if you
did something like fuck up the AC they will mention it
later lol, and sometimes they give you weapons or pills,
or join you to shoot the bad guys. There are some missions
where you play as Mona, but she plays pretty much the
same. So yeah it really isn't any different from the first
game, the main focus is on the story which was really
emotional (Sam Lake is a good writer for sure). However I
still can't decide which game I like more, I think I love
both of them the same but for different reasons. There are
two extra game modes in this one, New York Minute (I think
this was in the first game too?) is basically doing
missions with a timer for the best time (eh who gives a
shit, also fuck speedrunners, how can you enjoy a game
when your goal is to blast through it as fast as possible)
and Dead Man Walking which is challenge missions with
endlessly spawning enemies (I played every map once, I
guess this can be fun? I don't really care for challenge
stages). One thing for sure I ain't gonna play the third
game for a very good reason: no Remedy no Payne. |
2022/04/13 |
Star Wars
Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (PlayStation Portable) Developer: Rebellion Developments Publisher: LucasArts Released: 2007 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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So why is this my first PlayStation Portable game?
Well Star Wars: Battlefront is my favorite game of
all time, I played it so much since it came out that I
could probably beat everyone in the planet lmao. Star
Wars: Battlefront II was alright too, but the
gameplay felt worse in my opinion and those buffs you
unlock just made it so easy, the maps weren't that
memorable and honestly I prefer the flying on the Bespin
Platforms map over the space battles, I expected some
control over the battleships too so it was really
disappointing. What I loved is the heroes vs. villains
mode, that's what I played so much. And when I softmodded
my Xbox I could finally install the DLC I always
wanted with the old maps and Kit Fisto lol. Obviously I
was excited for a third game, but when I found out it's
for the PlayStation Portable
only I got so fucking pissed that I couldn't play the next
game of my favorite series lmao, it was so painful to see
it in stores (and nope, I'm not gonna play those shitty EA
games ever). But finally it's here and I can play it after
all those years, hurray! So yeah this was the obvious
choice for my first PlayStation
Portable game (I'm sorry MediEvil:
Resurrection lol). I was a bit worried about the
controls but it's an interesting system, instead of aiming
you hold a button to lock onto the target which works
really well but it also makes the game very easy. It works
the same way in space battles too but it's even easier
there, you can even turn towards the target anytime with a
press of a button. They also have heroes too finally, it
was cool to fly with the Millenium Falcon. Some of the
space maps have a command post now on a space station you
can capture and then fly out of there or have firefights
with the enemy if they land there. So these all feel like
the natural evolution of the series, but the biggest
change is the character customization. Instead of having
classes like in the previous games you have a 100 credits
limit you can use to customize your character loadout and
pick bonuses like capturing command posts faster. And you
can customize your appearance too, from armor types to
alien species, so fucking cool. I mean I loved having
different classes but this really was the next logical
step to take. Some old maps return from the previous games
like Hoth and Mustafar, but they are a bit scaled down for
handhelds lol. The campaign itself is very short and feels
more like a tutorial on how to play the game, it's about a
ragtag group of rebels called the Renegade Squadron and
you follow their adventures throughout the original
trilogy. Galactic Conquest has changed too, with the
credits you earn you can unlock upgrade and bonus tiers
like allowing heroes or more soldiers. Interestingly it
seems like the PlayStation
Portable has achievements too, well at
least some games have them built in, because you can earn
medals here for like killed X number of enemies or
completed the campaign lol. Anyway I liked the game except
for two things: as I said it's really easy and the Jedi
and Sith heroes suck, lightsaber combat is slow as fuck
and you are better off just throwing it all the time.
There is one last Star Wars: Battlefront game to
play which is also on the PlayStation
Portable, I'm looking forward to experience
it at some point. |
2022/04/10 |
(Xbox 360) Developer: Gearbox Software Publisher: 2K Games Released: 2009 Genre: Action role-playing, first-person shooter |
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I got this game with my Xbox 360 when I bought it, I was
aware of it but I wasn't sure what to expect. I played it
at that time but it was too open world for me and I didn't
know what to do or where to go, plus I picked the sniper
because it has a pet that can attack too but I didn't like
it, I just made it to level 4 before I lost interest in
it. I used one of those official strategy guides this time
and honestly it helped a lot and made the game more
enjoyable (I used them for Infinite Undiscovery
and Ninety-Nine Nights before), and I think I'm
gonna start using them regularly if I can find a PDF. I
think the most interesting thing most people noticed about
this game is the graphical style, it reminds me Robotech:
Battlecry but I wouldn't call it cel-shaded. It's
not something that I loved about it like in XIII,
actually I would have enjoyed it the same without it. The
game is about four vault hunters who travel to a shitty
planet called Pandora to search for the mysterious Vault
that's supposed to contain alien technology and treasure
but no one really knows if it's real or not. The 4
characters have different classes, I already talked about
the sniper but this time I picked the soldier who can drop
a turret (seemed like the easiest and most fun to play), a
girl with some kind of magic powers and some giant
muscular guy. It's pretty obvious the game was designed
with co-op in mind but I had a lot of fun with it alone
too. There isn't that much focus on the story, you get
quests from NPCs or from bounty boards (or from those
little dumb robots lol), mostly just fighting bandits or
animals or collecting shit, the usual stuff. Actually the
game felt like a single player FPS World of Warcraft
to me lol, you have vendors to buy stuff, a skill tree to
specialize, an open world with character and enemy levels,
bosses who drop special loot. And this game is all about
the loot, finding chests that contain random weapons and
ammo, basically the appeal of this game is grinding for
better weapons - not for me though, I just liked doing the
quests and shooting at enemies lmao. But of course it was
nice when I found powerful rifles and shit, the
interesting thing about weapons is that they have randomly
generated parts with very different stats and some of them
have elemental effects too like fire or acid. As I said
it's a huge open world (and even though it's a boring
desert planet I didn't feel bored of the game) and you can
summon a car with turrets or rocket launchers from vehicle
stations to travel through it faster (but the driving
fucking sucked, I got stuck on everything). There are also
these fast travel stations you can use but you need to
discover them first. The ending was a huge disappointment
though, you finally get to the vault by fighting your way
through mercenaries and aliens and it contains some giant
fucking interdimensional being or something like that and
no loot whatsoever, it's biggest fucking cockblock I've
seen in a game lmao. This game has DRM free DLCs so I
played those too: Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned has hordes
of fucking zombies you will fight in some kind of dark
horror island lol, it was funny (even though it had a bit
too much pop culture references and from what I've heard Borderlands
2 is full off those) but the problem is none of the
DLCs have fast travel stations and you need to go through
the zombie hordes every fucking time after you load your
save (but to be fair that helps you finish the quests that
require hundreds of brains lol). Borderlands: Mad Moxxi's Underdome
Riot is basically just a bunch of challenges that take
forever to complete, I couldn't even beat the first one
and it wasn't fun anyway so yeah I didn't bother with it,
however it introduces a bank where you can store your
stuff which was really useful because I had so many cool
weapons I barely had any inventory space left (even though
I did all the extra inventory space quests). Borderlands: The Secret
Armory of General Knoxx feels more like the continuation
of the story with the mercenaries, and it adds new
enemies, lootboxes and vehicles which was really needed
imo because there isn't much variety in the base game, but
the story part is really short and there are insane amount
of traveling and repetitions doing the same long and
difficult quests over again and it's more focused on the
looting espect which I didn't really care about. There is
a giant fucking armory filled with lootboxes and you will
have a time limit while you can open as many as want to
find better weapons, but you can go back there like 3
times even though you need to kill the boss and blow it up
every time lol (I guess it's the World of Warcraft
dungeon in this game lol). And finally in Borderlands: Claptrap's New
Robot Revolution these robots have a commie revolt lmao
and you need to kill their leader lol. This is the other
one I liked, it has smaller maps instead of the giant
empty shit like in the previous DLC, and it was obvious
what to do without any repetition (well except killing the
same bosses twice, who are the resurrected ones from the
base game and DLCs controlled by robot chips lol) and this
one was really funny too. Well that's about it, it's a
long ass fucking game I played for months but it was a fun
experience, I enjoyed it a lot. I don't think I'm gonna
play the sequel though, it just looks way too fucking much
for me and I think I like this bleak post-apocalyptic
world more than a colorful one filled with pop culture
humor. |
2022/04/03 |
XIII (Xbox) Developer: Ubisoft Paris Publisher: Ubisoft Released : 2003 Genre: First-person shooter,
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Okay so this one I remember well because I
was so excited for it and I thought it's the coolest
fucking shit ever with the comic book style graphics and
how those panels pop up when you kill a soldier and you
see the Arrr text next to their face or Tap Tap when they
walk or the fucking BOOM when something explodes, so
fucking cool - but of course I've never played it until
now. The game is based on a Belgian comic (and apparently
it inspired the first Bourne film? I need to watch that
some day), you are some amnesic dude who wakes up on a
beach and only remembers being shot on a boat, then you
find out you are accused of assassinating the President
and that "you" are involved in conspiracy with a secret
group (where everyone is identified by Roman numerals,
hence the XIII) to take over the US government. Of course
as in every good conspiracy story there are a lot of
twists and turns, but basically you are slowly killing the
members involved in it as you are trying to find answers
to who you are and what the fuck is going on. So yeah the
style is fucking awesome and it also takes place in the
70s I think based on some of the decorations (I loved that
fucking bank mission). You can use gadgets like lockpick
or a grapnel and there are some stealth levels where you
gotta use silent weapons like throwing knives and
crossbows and hide bodies (I don't think these levels
worked that well and they were kinda hard) but most of the
time it's straight up action. You can pick up armor and
helmet and take hostages too which was pretty cool. There
are also these hidden documents you can find which give
you new skills like more health from medkits or you can
stay underwater longer, and some of them contain more
information about the conspiracy you can check in the menu
(and also you can read what happened so far in comic book
style, pretty cool). The ending was like wow holy shit but
it was a giant cliffhanger and the sequel never
happened... Too bad because it's a cool game even though
it does nothing new other than the artstyle. It's also
worth noting that every version have different extra
multiplayer modes (and it has bots fuck yeah). On Xbox
it's Sabotage but even though I played it I have
absolutely no idea what the fuck is it about lmao. PlayStation 2 has two of them,
The Hunt and Power-Up but I haven't tried those even
though it's the only PlayStation 2
disc I have lol. |
2022/03/20 |
Medal of Honor
(PlayStation) Developer: DreamWorks Interactive Publisher: Electronic Arts Released: 1999 Genre: First-person shooter |
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So here is a PlayStation
FPS. I wasn't so keen on playing it, I couldn't even
imagine what kind of horrors would be waiting for me in
the pre two analog sticks world of controls lmao. But I
was shocked to find out that one of the many control types
is the modern FPS controls! So yeah might as well just
play through the console series now (it started on
consoles so it's a console series to me, the PC games
don't count and I'm not gonna play them). You are playing
as Jimmy Patterson, who joins the OSS to work behind the
enemy lines in France and Germany after D-Day. I'm pretty
sure every single mission takes place at night, which is
understandable considering the PlayStation's
Medal of Honor: Frontline
(it has a submarine mission too fuck yeah), but I really
liked how it isn't some scripted shit and the disguise
actually works, you can pass through soldiers with the
right paper and properly sabotage stuff, it was so cool
especially in an older game like this. One thing you will
immediately notice is that you can't move while you are in
aiming mode (you can shoot while moving but there is no
crosshair so it's only a good idea when the enemy is right
in front of you), but it isn't a big deal because enemies
don't really have fast reaction times, in fact it wasn't a
difficult game at all until the end where they start
shooting at you with bazookas lol. And you know what's
great? BAR is a fucking great weapon here and isn't a
useless piece of shit like in Medal of Honor:
Frontline lmao. And I liked the cute hidden easter
eggs like German soldiers building a snowman or that video
during the credits where you see the devs going through a
bootcamp with the military adviser lol (but I didn't like
when I had to kill dogs too). You can unlock a code or get
medals when you complete a chapter with the best rating,
they are cheats or for multiplayer I think, I didn't
really care. I had no idea that a PlayStation
FPS could be this fun to play, I'm looking forward to play
the other one then the rest of the series up to Medal
of Honor: Airborne (the modern ones can go fuck
themselves). |
2022/03/14 |