Currently playing |
2: Ape Escape 2 Xbox: Phantom Crash; Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Xbox 360: Earth Defense Force 2025; The Outfit |
Tenchu: Stealth
Assassins (PlayStation) Developer: Acquire Publisher: Activision Released: 1998 Genre: Stealth |
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I heard of this series of course, it's a
cool ninja assassination game and apparently the first 3D
stealth game ever. Xbox has an improved version of
the third game that's why I wanted to play through this
series, but I heard it's hard so I didn't want to waste a
CD in case I hate it so I just played it on my PlayStation
Portable. You can select between two
characters, a stronger guy and a faster girl, I went with
the guy. There is a training and it was so hard for me
lmao I could barely pass it. There is barely any story in
this game, basically you are a ninja doing random shit for
your lord, like assassinating corrupt politicans and
merchants, finding herbs for the sick princess etc but
there is a dude who shows up a few times who is working
for this evil demon or some shit lol honestly I couldn't
really tell. You can pick equipment before missions, like
poisoned rice to distract and stunt enemies (if you kill
them before they eat it you can collect it back lol),
grenades, shurikens, mines, health potions etc, and if you
get the best rank you unlock a special item too, I managed
to get it once and it unlocked the armor which helped me a
lot lol. The game has a really nice aesthetic and graphics
(I loved the blood effect) and some lovely locations, like
a bamboo forest, a snowy palace, a fortress, harbor etc
and it takes place at night which explains why the draw
distance is so limited. What I did was I used the
grappling hook to get on roofs (which wasn't easy thanks
to the fucking inverted camera), drop down silently to
kill an enemy then go back before someone notices, it made
the game easier when it was possible of course, other
times I waited till an enemy turned around then executed
him silently from behind (you can also lure them into
water where they drown lol). That wasn't always possible
so sometimes I had to fight enemies but you can block
attacks, still I died a couple times and you get a haiku
on the game over screen lmao. You get all kinds of enemies
from samurais to pirates, some fucking cultist demons that
make crying baby noises lmao, dogs, cats who can alert
enemies, or a fucking bear lmao. There are some cool
moments like that ninja honor shit where the corrupt guy
kills himself because of the shame, it was pretty cool.
The levels aren't too long and you can replay them for
better statistics and ranks but lol fuck that. The last
level was ridiculously long and difficult though, I could
barely get to the final boss then he destroyed me. It took
me so many tries to get to him again, and all I had to do
was attack him once instead of doing combos and that
killed him easily lmao. I tried the first level with the
girl and yeah she played so much faster, I still prefer
the dude though. I watched her cutscenes too on YouTube
and she just talks shit to everyone lmao meanwhile the guy
was all honorable and shit, but the missions are the same
except you fight that dude who kills himself because she
insulted him lol. I thought the last mission will be
different, like she saves the princess but no they just
changed the cutscene and the guy saves her instead eh. It
was a really impressive game even though it was short and
the last mission was frustrating as hell, I'm looking
forward to play the second game. |
2023/06/09 |
Sudeki (Xbox) Developer: Climax Studios Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Released: 2004 Genre: Action role-playing |
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There aren't many RPGs on Xbox so
of course I heard of this one before and that it's similar
to Fable so I knew I was gonna play it at some
point. It takes place in a world that split into two, a
light and a dark realm and the light realm is under attack
by the dark one. I always found the character design so
off-putting lol, the artstyle reminds of the shit you
would see on DeviantArt back in those days lmao. There are
4 characters and you can change between them during
battles, two melee and two ranged and these were really
interesting because they play like an FPS. Meanwhile the
melee system is rythm based, you need to press the button
the right time for succesful combos so it never turns into
mindless button mashing. Battles are arena like, they only
happen at certain areas and you can't progress until they
are all dead. You can open a quick menu which slows down
time to use items, change weapons (which can be important
because you can put different enhancements on them like
health or skill point regeneration, immunity, poison etc),
use your buffs or one of your skill strikes. Then there
are these spirit strikes, which you get from the god in
this world lmao (just like your armor, you can't buy new
ones) are like gigantic fucking attacks that usually
destroy everyone. But you have to watch this shitty
animation every time you do any of those like it's a
fucking anime lmao it got tiresome after a while. I
usually just buffed everyone then switched to one of the
ranged characters and just shot at everyone lmao. You are
not always together though, sometimes you only have one
other character with you and sometimes you are alone
(usually boss fights), I pretty much only used the skill
and spirit strikes these times. You get points when you
level up and you can increase your health, skill points,
power and essence (which makes your skills and buffs last
longer and make them more powerful) and you can unlock new
skills too. They also have special powers, like moving
objects, seeing invisible chests or walls, climbing walls
and flying with a jetpack lol, you can use these abilities
to find hidden stuff or open up paths for other characters
later. The world is really colorful and looks beautiful
(especially the giant moon you see up in the sky, reminded
me of Outcast), you have your usual castle,
countryside, a port city, a Grand Canyon like place where
the animal people who are like Native Americans live (they
have shit like cheetah and rabbit couples lmao) or a cool
steampunk city with robots. It really is like Fable,
there are no huge open areas just roads to follow which
slowly open up and you can go to new areas. There are of
course NPCs who give you secondary quests, blackshmits and
traders, some of the voices are fucking ridiculous though
lol like that gay German trader who is obsessed with furs
lmao. At some point you will got to the shadow realm and
later it will be your hub world when you use portals for
fast travel. I got a dirty disc error once, it was very
strange so I ACL patched it just in case but it happened
again later, I think it's because I was running leaving
the other character behind and I got to a loading screen
without them and the game just couldn't continue. Anyway
near the end you go to the dark world which is like a copy
of yours but it's in ruins and you meet your dark variants
too lmao, some of them even join your party for a while
(and later some dude joins your character you can't
control, only time it happened lol). At the end your
characters unite with their dark world variants to form a
new person wtf, it was like they need to team up to take
the evil god down but nope only the warrior dude fights
him eh, which wasn't hard with all the buffs and shit. So
because the development was rushed there is just a short
drawing cutscene at the end showing the two worlds united
back and that's it lmao, years later the developers
uploaded an unfinished ending cutscene to YouTube with all
your chatacters, it's so fucking bizarre you need to watch
a video online to get the true ending lmao. Even if the
game was rushed and unfinished I still liked it, it's a
simple Fable like RPG where you can finish
everything in 3 weeks and that's perfect for me. |
2023/06/05 |
Army of Two
(Xbox 360) Developer: EA Montreal Publisher: Electronic Arts Released: 2008 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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I always wanted to play these games but I
got scared recently because I kept reading everywhere that
the AI is bad and it's a co-op designed game and you are
supposed to play it with another person. But now that I
have the discs (and I remembered reading the same about Resident
5) I decided to try it. You can choose from two
characters, the big muscled dude and the cool looking
dude, I went with the cool dude lol but there is no
difference between them. They are soldiers but they hate
being in the army and after the first mission in Somalia
they decide to join a private mercenary group and go on
missions to Afghanistan (where there are suicide bombers
too lmao), Iraq, to an aircraft carrier, China and to a
flooded Miami. It really isn't that story focused but
there is a plot about a conspiracy to replace the military
with mercenary groups that is slowly unveiled. The
training mode teaches you everything and you can quickly
tell what makes this game unique, the big focus is on
aggro, if you shoot more enemies they will focus on you
and your teammate can flank them and they won't notice it
until it's too late. You can give orders to your
squadmate, I usually made him aggressive and told him to
hold position while I flanked everyone lol. It really is
co-op focused, there are so much actions you can do
together, like back-to-back firing and slowly turning
around killing everyone around you, dual sniping a target
at the same time, taking a car's door down and using at as
a shield while the other one is shooting behind you, pull
up each other to higher areas, parachuting together with
one of you controlling and the other shooting, you can
trade weapons too and my favorite you can do silly things
like fistbumps and air guitars lmao or slap the guy if he
did something stupid. When one of you is down the other
one needs to drag you somewhere safe to heal you but you
can still shoot while you are down so that was cool, and
you can even faint dead and they will leave you alone but
next time they will know you are faking it lol. There is
also Overkill mode after you kill a lot of people and
build up tons of aggro, basically you turn red and become
invincible and cause more damage lol and the other guy
becomes invisible. Before missions and at checkpoints you
can go to a store and buy and upgrade weapons, you have a
primary, a secondary (P90 ftw) and a special weapon (and
grenades of course but you can't buy or upgrade them), and
you can buy better armor and different masks too lol. You
can do stupid shit too like pimp your gun out with gold
and diamonds and shit lmao which increases your aggro. You
can earn the money to do all that by killing enemies I
guess and by completing objectives, optional secondary
ones too and by finding these hidden briefcases. There are
boss fights at the end of locations but they are like the
normal tougher armored enemies, you can only kill these
from behind so you gotta use the aggro tactics a lot.
There are some vehicle sections in a hovercraft but they
were really underutilized. People who complained about the
AI are just spoiled by competitive online gaming, it was
perfectly fine most of the time, my squadmate only did
something dumb like twice when he tried to heal me and I
noticed an enemy just standing there once but that's it, I
think the AI was actually impressive. And it was a fun
game, clearly Gears of War inspired and the
gameplay was really good, only the story and the setting
was too forgettable to make it a classic, but I will play
the next game for sure. |
2023/06/02 |
Seek and Destroy
2) Developer: Barnhouse Effect Publisher: Conspiracy Entertainment Released: 2002 Genre: Action |
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I only heard of this game recently, it's
one of those crazy Japanese games with sentient tanks who
are like people and live in towns and shit lmao and you
can modify your tank with insane shit like a chainsaw or
fucking angel wings so fuck yeah I'm playing this lmao.
Apparently it's part of the Choro Q series but I
don't know anything about it, it seems to have these litle
deformed cars. The graphics reminded me of SkyGunner,
it has really nice aesthetics. The story is very simple,
big evil empire conquers everything, your kingdom retreats
to its last town then fights back and defeats the evil
empire. There is some dialogue but they don't really say
anything important, plus the translation seems
ridiculously basic and barebones, it was a budget game
after all but it's like they just used a dictionary lmao.
You can select your starting tank but it doesn't really
matter which one you pick because you get tons of new ones
as you progress through the game. You start right off with
a battle in your last town, and the controls are very
simple, you can't really aim with most weapons so just
shoot it and hope it hits something lmao. The default
controls were weird thought but you can change it so it
wasn't a problem. After missions you are on the world map
and you can go to your next mission or go back to a town
where you can buy and equip new stuff. You can see shit
like fucking tank statues, tourists, a priest or the tank
king lmao, and you can talk to them but you don't get
anything useful. You can buy all kinds of stuff like
radars, searchlights, shit that makes you faster, more
armor, insane weapons like double chainsaws on your side,
bombs you can drop, flamethrowers, wings, you can even
turn yourself into a boat for the water missions lmao. And
the best thing is you can sell them back for the same
price you bought them and that's really helpful for
someone like me how hate customization because I can't
decide what to do. You can put camouflage on your tank for
free and it makes the enemy harder to hit you if you are
in a desert, forest, town etc. Different towns have
different equipments but there is a helicopter you can use
for fast travel so it's not too tedious when you are
trying to find an equipment. I actually spent a lot more
time with customization than with actual gameplay lmao,
mostly because missions are short. There are also these
battle arenas in towns where you can fight tanks 1 vs 1
and you get that tank if you beat it. The other types of
arenas are like minigames and sometimes you need a
specific equipment to start it, like a chainsaw to pop
balloons lol, drop bombs on an obstacle course, racing on
land and water vs the AI in splitscreen, other silly
things like that (I could never finish the last two
though). Battles are usually just destroy the enemy tanks
or some buildings or defend your allies lol, they are
simple but so much crazy shit happening like tanks
parachuting to the battlefield like they are people,
flying in the sky to destroy an enemy bomber, or
destroying battleships in the sea lmao, and crazy bosses
like a giant fucking tractor. The final boss was some
crazy mechanical monster lol and it was the only hard part
of the game, and you get a cute victory parade after you
defeat him lol. Beating the game restarts it from the
beginning with the angel wings and a special tank unlocked
lol and you can go on different missions as you can
usually select between them, originally I wanted to replay
it but I got tired of it lol. Besides the campaign you can
play against he AI in the arenas or do the minigames, and
there is a Destruction mode which I guess was the
challenge mode with waves of tanks coming at you. There is
also Museum where you can read about the tank types but eh
I didn't care about it. So yeah it was a simple crazy
Japanese game and those are usually fun, these are the
kind of games it's worth owning a PlayStation
2 too. |
2023/05/30 |
Portal Runner
2) Developer: The 3DO Company Publisher: The 3DO Company Released: 2001 Genre: Platform |
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As I said this is like a weird platformer
and adventure spinoff but it continues the story right
where Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 ended. The blue
chick discovers there are portals to other worlds and she
wants to get Sarge lol so she tricks Vikki to go to
another world to get rid of her. As you can guess you are
playing as Vikki in this game but it has the same shitty
controls as the previous one lmao. You collect gems which
increase your score and your maximum health (I couldn't
even find all of them with a guide wtf) and you have a bow
with different arrows to attack and destroy obstacles and
shit. The platforming is so fucking bad though and her
movement is so weird, sometimes in cutscenes they moved
like they barely had any animation lmao. You have a lion
with you who helps you out in combat, and there is
supposed to be a gameplay mechanic where he gets angry
when you are injured or attacks too much and you would
need to calm him down, but I never noticed his anger doing
anything bad lmao just makes him stronger and faster. On
some levels you ride the lion (and she rides it like she
is fucking it lmao), there are even levels where you play
just the lion. You are in the toy world first, then in a
cave, a prehistoric world, a medieval world and then a
scifi ship lol. They are usually simple enough but some
levels were really confusing, I hated that alien chase
level, I fell off so much and had no idea where to go when
the countdown started. The most complex thing you need to
do is tell the lion to move to a platform and move it
through the air with pedals, but you can only press them
in the correct order anyway so you can't fuck up lmao,
it's a braindead simple game but not the good kind. There
are also these secret lion platforms you can ride for more
gems and for a vista point (what the fuck was that?), I
did most levels 100% but I couldn't do a couple, they
unlock some shitty pictures and apparently if you 100% the
game you get some pics of Vikki, no new cutscenes or
anything. There were no boss fights until the second half
of the game which was weird, then you get like 2 in a row
lmao, and the final boss was an alien brain lol. Honestly
this game is like Malice, just shows you how bad
that game was because this shit wasn't even enough for
2001 lmao. So finally this shit is over and I can move on
to the last game on Xbox. Oh I watched the
cutscenes of Army Men: RTS on YouTube but it isn't
connected to the story at all just have the same
characters in like an Apocalypse Now parody setting lol. |
2023/05/22 |
(Xbox 360) Developers: Midway Studios - Chicago, Tiger Hill Entertainment Publisher: Midway Games Released: 2007 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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I think I watched parts of some Hong Kong
action movies on TV in the 2000s, they usually featured
insane destruction lol. Oh why I'm talking about Hong Kong
action movies? Well this game is a sequel to John Woo's
Hard Boil, which I watched before starting this game, it
was so fucking dumb lol but the action was funny, just
pure dumb fun. Another movie he made was Face/Off lmao
which I love so much, I haven't seen it since the 2000s, I
need to watch it again. I never really thought about
playing this game though, but it looked like an Asian Max
Payne lol so I thought it could be fun. I wouldn't
call it a sequel though, the only connection they have is
the main character Inspector Tequila, who in this game is
going after the Triad and the Russian mafia in Chicago who
kidnapped his daughter and his ex girlfriend, who happens
to be the daughter of the Triad boss. No subtitles of
course and it was a bit hard to follow the story because
they talk in this broken English and because I couldn't
fucking hear anything (what the fuck was up with Midway
Games, I noticed in previous games too that they barely
ever use any subtitles, fucking assholes they deserve the
bankruptcy lmao). It really is like Max Payne but
the bullet time is called Tequila Time here lmao and there
is so much destruction, you can shoot at billboards or air
conditioners to drop them on enemies, and you can destroy
covers too lol, for stylish kills you get stars which fill
up your extra power meters which you can use with the
D-pad, one recharges some health, next one is precision
aim which helps to take out targets far away from you,
barrage makes you immortal with inifnite ammo for a little
bit so you can do insane destruction lmao and the last one
is a spin attack where you kill everyone around you with
fucking doves flying everywhere lmao. You can also find
little origamis to get more stars, they are collectibles
too I guess but you unlock stuff with the points you earn,
there is a shop in the main menu where you can buy them
from John Woo himself lmao, concept arts, videos, a
prototype video based on Psi-Ops: The Mindgate
Conspiracy (that was interesting to see), no making
of video though eh but there is a video on how to make
origamis lmao and you can unlock character for multiplayer
too (which is online only so it doesn't matter). You can
do all kinds of crazy shit too, like running up and down
on a handrail, hanging on the chandelier, going down on
zip lines, drop on a foodcart and roll forward while you
are shooting lmao, it was ridiculous. Sometimes there are
these standoffs with a bunch of people around you, and you
need to avoid bullets while shooting at guys lmao. There
was a turret section too but only once and it was
ridiculously long for some reason. There are not many
locations but they are long levels, you have like a Hong
Kong street, some fishing villages (this was kind of
confusing, you need to navigate through drug labs and do a
lot of platforming), a giant restaurant and casino where
there is a band that stops playing and the enemies tell
them to keep playing and you need to protect them during a
shootout lmao (only the drummer survived lol), a museum in
Chicago where you can destroy dinosaurs lmao, the ruins of
Kowloon (man that place would make such an awesome setting
for a game), or the Triad boss's mansion. It was actually
a hard game and I died a lot, but still I completed it in
less than a week so it's a very short game and I'm not
sure if it's worth it. It was alright though, I liked the
destruction and just how much insane shit you could do
lol. |
2023/05/19 |
Spider-Man 2
(Xbox) Developer: Treyarch Publisher: Activision Released: 2004 Genre: Action-adventure |
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This game has an epic open world where you
can swing around freely and that's how I heard of this
game, naturally I really wanted to try it (and I liked the
first two Spider-Man movies) so I had it on my hard drive
for a long time and tried it out but that was before I
read the manual and knew what to do and I sucked ass lol.
But now I'm better at it and man it's really cool swinging
around in New York and launching up with charged jumps and
shit, but to be honest I couldn't really master how it
controls so a lot of times I bumped into shit and some of
the chases took a while but whatever. Apparently it's a
sequel to the first game and not just a simple movie
adaptation so I watched it on YouTube cause I knew I would
have hated it (and I was right lol) but it wasn't even
connected besides the narrator lmao who talks during the
tutorial and gives you gameplay tips, he is really funny
(the game was funny in general, the shit Spider-Man said
were so goofy lmao). The missions follow the movie's plot
somewhat and most actors voiced their characters which is
cool but there are lots of other villains and it's more
similar to the comics I guess. The graphics look nice, the
city is really impressive looking with the sunlight
reflecting from windows on skyscrapers but the character
models look really shitty lmao. You go through chapters,
which require you to do the main missions, shit like
chasing Black Cat (a lot of times actually eh), going
somewhere in time, dealing with some villains, missions
like competing with a guy in an arena, going to the Statue
of Liberty to stop aliens lmao (which was a fucking
nightmare because I suck at swinging), and of course there
are parts from the movie like the bank robbery, the train
stopping scene which was really fucking underwhelming here
lmao, and the final fight with Doctor Octopus but man that
one was the absolute worst, it took me ages to finish
(slowing down time helped). The other thing you need to do
is get enough hero points by doing side missions. These
can be challenges, usually racing through checkpoints in
time, gameplay tips you can find around the city, but
usually you need to stop random crimes, or help injured
people by taking them to the hospital, save people from
falling down, rescue people from sinking boats, or get a
kid's balloon back lmao. There are also tokens you can
collect hidden in buildings, on skyscrapers, on buoys in
the water (these were the worst) etc. With the hero points
you can buy upgrades, like faster swinging, lots of combos
and shit. Some of them were really useful so I just
spammed those because combat can be really frustrating,
especially when there are tons of enemies around you with
guns or those fucking mechs. You can also find minigames
in an arcade lmao but finding the arcade was harder than
the minigames because the map is huge and you can't set
any markers so you have no idea what the icons are. You
can get awards for killing bosses, certain number of
enemies or completing certain number of side missions, but
they are just titles, much like achievements they are
completely useless. After the credits there are two more
chapters, but the goal is to get insane amount of hero
points lol that's when I started doing the challenges and
the secondary missions, which are taking photos for
Jameson, meeting Mary Jane in time and delivering pizzas
(that fucking pizza delivery music lmao I can't believe
it's from this game) and these are really hard I couldn't
even finish all of them. It was a bit buggy though, like
cutscenes sometimes glitched out when I was at the Daily
Bugle, and saving took so long for some reason lol. It's a
fun game and I really liked swinging around the city but
the story was ridiculously short and the side activities
got really repetitive after a while. I found out recently
they made another similar game between the two movies
which is based on the comics, I will play that one for
sure. |
2023/05/15 |
Army Men: Sarge's
Heroes 2 (PlayStation
2) Developer: The 3DO Company Publisher: The 3DO Company Released: 2001 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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So this game has a bunch of different
versions, I'm not sure what's the difference between them
but I just went with the PlayStation
2 port hoping it has better controls lol.
The menu is really nice like a kid's toy room, and the
bios you can read are like action figure packages lol,
they did a great job with the Toy Story aesthetics, like
the HQ is a dollhouse lol, the kid's room has tons of toys
and books and shit lying around and that level on a toy
store looked really cool. You start with another bootcamp
which is in an underground base, and holy fucking shit the
controls, well it's better than the previous game but
still lmao. The right stick just looks around your
character so it's pointless, the left stick is
ridiculously sensitive, they are not PlayStation
2 controls that's for sure lmao but at
least I wasn't struggling with the game because of it so
that made everything a lot easier. The combat and auto aim
is still bullshit though so I just played on easy again,
seemed like a logical choice in a shitty game like this
lmao. Anyway the Green Army is about to win the war, but
back in the real world a sexy spy chick finds General
Plastro and revives him with her perfume lol because
apparently if you stay in the real world for long you turn
into a plastic toy. The cutscenes are still funny (no
subtitles again of course) but the sound quality is so bad
for some reason wtf. The game looks fine though, the first
one was really fucking ugly but everything is so shiny
here lol. The levels are so much shorter and smaller here,
some of them were like just a few minutes long lol. They
seem to have secret places where you find pickups, like
invisibility, armor, increased weapon damage etc and there
are new weapons like firecrackers which do giant damage
lol and you can call an airstrike too. Sometimes you can
play as Vikki too (foreshadowing the next game lol), some
levels are weird like a graveyard with zombies, and
sometimes you need to do shit like destroy ten toy trains
before they escape or rockets before they launch, this is
the only mission with time limit I think. The last mission
is inside a pinball machine lmao and you need to find your
squad there, and then you are together for a few seconds
before the game ends, which is like the only time you are
actually with your squad lmao, I still don't know why the
fuck are they in the game when they don't do anything at
all. See I don't hate this game unlike the first one, it
was a lot easier when you aren't fighting the controls,
but purely on a technical level this game sucks ass lmao
and it's barely any better gameplay wise than the first
game, like they barely improved anything. The story
continues in Portal Runner which is like a weird
spinoff, there is also Army Men: Omega Soldier
which is part of this storyline too but the only story it
has is the opening and ending cutscenes so I just watched
those on YouTube. And apparently Army Men: RTS too
but eh I don't want to play RTS games anymore. |
2023/05/13 |
Viking: Battle for
Asgard (Xbox
360) Developer: Creative Assembly Publisher: Sega Released: 2008 Genre: Action-adventure, hack and slash |
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Back in the 2000s I was really into
Scandinavian mythology and I remember this game coming out
and seeing in stores all the time, I really wanted to play
it but somehow I never did. When I was looking for Xbox
360 games to play a
bunch of reviewers said it's boring and repetitive so I
thought maybe it's shit and I didn't bother with it until
I had more discs. It starts with a cutscene that's just
drawings eh but then it transitions into gameplay
cutscenes. You are playing as some dude who is dying in a
battle but the goddess Freya saves him and grants him
magical powers so he can liberate Midgard from Hel and her
undead soldiers. You start in a nice town and talk to
people and get new quests then you venture outside and
your job basically is to recruit more soldiers by freeing
them from captivity or doing quests for other settlements
so they will join your army. When you liberate an area it
turns from a dark, rainy place to a bright and sunny one
which was pretty cool. The world is huge though, there are
three islands but you can't go back to previous ones eh,
still they are pretty much open worlds, sometimes you need
to liberate an area or help some people to get access to
new parts of it, and you can find gold and treasure
everywhere (and you can buy maps that show them on your
minimap), which you can use to buy new combos in Battle
Arenas, more health and equipment. There are laystones you
can use for fast travel because it takes a long fucking
time to walk everywhere. Combat is pretty cool, when the
enemy is damaged enough you can do brutal executions lol
like cutting them into pieces (kinda like in Darksiders),
if they don't notice you but it's not really a
stealthy game lol so it's hard to pull it off, sometimes
you have no other choice though when you need to
infiltrate an enemy city (these parts have these skull
collectibles too). Anyway the reason why you recruit
soldiers is to build an army to initiate assaults on
patrols, fotresses, cities, and I mean giant fucking
battles which were so awesome, like hundreds of soldiers
on both sides. You can summon a dragon too and open a map
and select a boss type of enemy you want to destroy, you
need runes to summon them though and you get them by
defeating those big enemies, like shamans and these
fucking giants and champions, you need to weaken them and
then a QTE starts (again, just like Darksiders).
There are 3 elemental powers you can use which makes you
stronger and you can buff your soldiers around you too,
they are actually helpful and kill enemies so they aren't
just there in the background. After you liberate a city
your people move back there lol which was cool. By the way
this whole recruiting soldiers for a giant battle thing
reminded me of The Lord of the Rings, even the world
looked similar with ancient ruins and shit everywhere, I
wish there was a game like that too. The last battle was
so fucking hard and took so long, I couldn't even finish
it on my first try lol, just a giant battle then going up
in a huge tower to face Hel, then you get the final
cutscene which like came out of nowhere, like the hero
just had enough and destroyed the gods and we only know
this huge thing happened because the narrator mentions it
like yeah that also happened lmao wtf. There are so many
achievements you can get by just playing the game,
seriously I got all of them except the last three where
you need to play it on hard, I've never seen a game being
so generous with achievements before. It's kind of a buggy
game though, one time it didn't want to load and it
crashed too, and the framerate drops like crazy during
giant battles. On paper it should be a boring repetitive
game where you do the same things and same kind of quests
over and over again (one of them was hilarious though, you
need to investigate strange noises and turns out it's just
a coupe fucking lmao) with barely any story but man I had
so much fun with this, it was really enjoyable and I wish
there were more games like this. |
2023/05/10 |
Driv3r (Xbox) Developer: Reflections Interactive Publisher: Atari Released: 2004 Genre: Action-adventure |
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As I said I remember the review
controversy, some magazines were paid to publish good
reviews of a game that was clearly unfinished, buggy and
had an archaic game design that had a separate open world,
which just wasn't enough after Grand Theft Auto
had changed the game. I found a strategy guide for this,
but it was kinda pointless, I just mostly used it to find
the secret stuff. There is a patch for this game which I
installed, but I'm not sure if it fixed anything. On the
first day I just drove around in Miami, the graphics look
good and I like the artstyle but man the draw distance is
shit here too, like cars just materialize in front of you
eh. Free Ride is so much better here, there are so many
areas to discover and bunch of secret stuff, there are ten
of these Timmy Vermicelli guys lmao you need to kill in
every city, obviously based on Tommy Vercetti with fucking
water wings on his arms lmao. When you kill all of them an
armory unlocks and you need to drive there, it's a cool
bunker in Miami, and when you get out a minigame unlocks,
which turns cop cars into giant trucks that launch like
crazy and the cops turn into Timmys lmao. There are of
course secret cars too, one of them is a go-kart and you
can race against some dude with it lol. You can swim too
and drive boats and bikes, but you get stuck in everything
with them, like the bike just launches up the sky
sometimes when you hit a fucking curb lmao. The driving
actually feels better but it's kinda floaty, like there is
no weight to the cars, still it was cool to just drift on
corners lol but the worst part is that there is no sense
of speed, no matter how fast you go it just feels slow as
fuck. The Undercover Mode has some really fucking nice
cutscenes and awesome music, and they got a bunch of
famous people but they barely have any lines lmao, like
Iggy Pop said like three lines and that's it lol. It's
inspired by Michael Mann movies, especially the Miami
part, it's very cinematic. The story is about Tanner and
Jones going undercover again to stop some car smuggling
group (which is so retarded, who gives a shit about some
fucking cars). Meanwhile Jericho killed his boss and took
over his empire and turns out he is involved in the car
stealing. So the third person parts finally have weapons
and the first mission is basically gun training, where you
can experience why everyone hated these parts lol. The
movement sucks ass but you know I don't think it was that
bad, or maybe I just got used to it because it felt like
something out of a PlayStation
game, and you can turn on auto aim in the options which
people might forgot to do (the jumping is whats fucking
terrible though but more about that later). But enemies
sometimes just materialize in front of you lmao and when
they die it's like they come alive for another second
before they fall down again lmao. Tanner is really fucking
hardcore here, he just kills people in cold blood lmao.
Like in the previous game when you load your save you see
a Previously in Driv3r scene like it's a fucking
TV show lol. Missions are longer here but thank god they
have checkpoints, some of the later ones would be
impossible without them. There is more mission variety
here, like you need to destroy a construction site (barely
finished with one second left) which had a car tutorial
mode feel to it, or you need to shoot up a bar (again
finished in the last second lmao), hell they even
recreated the warehouse escape mission from the previous
game where cars block your way. That's when I realized
it's the same fucking game design just in 6th gen lmao,
like they were finally able to make the game they
originally wanted but couldn't do on the PlayStation. There are very few
cop chases but it's a lot harder to get rid of them, it's
so much easier to just get out of the car and kill them
lmao. Well as I was going through the Miami missions,
destroying a big ship and shit like that, the game crashed
with a loud screeching sound, and it happened later too so
there is another evidence of the unfinished state of the
game. Sometimes there are missions where you are in the
back of the car and shooting at cars chasing you, the
aiming was so weird here, and you can shoot while you
drive too but it's so hard to do at the same time as there
is no lock on. Well eventually you will reach Nice, and
it's drastically different with narrow streets, hills and
European cars. Here killing all the Timmys turns civilians
into gun blazing lunatics who will try to hunt you down
lmao. There are more interesting missions here, like
stealing 3 cars and driving them up to a moving truck and
it has a km limit instead of a time limit, and like Pursuit
Force this game has a mission too based on the movie
Speed where you can't go below a speed limit lmao, and you
need to drive next to a truck so you passenger can jump
out, this part was so fucking hard. There is a mission
where you need to break into the docks and use a fucking
crane to load some cargo to a truck which took fucking
ages lmao, it's like the shitty mundane tasks from Mafia
II. And then there is a chase mission where you need
to destroy a car but it took me fucking days that shit was
insane. But the last mission in Nice was the worst, you
need to use a forlift to raise up a box, climb up a ladder
(he moves like a fucking girl when he does that lmao),
jump on the box and from there to the next platform, which
was a fucking nightmare to do because movement and jumping
as absolute fucking ass and the box sometimes just fell
off. And of course you don't have a weapon here meanwhile
enemies try to break through a door and then start
shooting at you, and if you manage to get through you
still need to drive somewhere and kill a bunch of enemies,
it was fucking insane I don't know what the fuck were they
thinking. Well then you go to Istanbul, which looks like
shithole lol and has really old cars, killing the Timmys
here gives you indestructible vehicles, you can push away
everything in front of you even with a bike lmao. There
you have missions like using a grenade launcher from a
back of a car to destroy cops, chasing a truck that drops
bombs at you, a long mission where you play as the black
dude and you need to go through a building killing insane
amount of enemies, and then there is the fucking Calita
chase mission, it has separate parts of car and bike
chases, it's so insanely long and hard, one mistake and
you need to start again, somehow I accidentally managed to
knock her off the bike and win, no fucking way I could
have kept up with her. In the last mission you need to
outrun a train which I thought was impossible until I
found a way to get out to the roads and follow the train
to get ahead of it lol, then you need to go through waves
of fucking enemies (of course it crashed there again eh)
to face Jericho who has like a million fucking health, but
it's ok because you can cheese it by standing behind a
trash container where he can't hit you lmao and you get a
cliffhanger ending where you don't know whether Tanner
survived or not. It has the same driving games as the
previous games, they aren't as bad here because the
traffic isn't bullshit in this game, I did a few of them
they were ok. There is a nice making of video too but it's
more like gameplay with narration lol, but Michael Madsen
has more lines here than in the game which is fucking
hilarious lmao. It's a much better game but jesus it's
still not a good one, but you know I don't even think it's
possible to make a good game out of this concept, and I
think they managed to get the maximum out of it. There
were a lot of complaints about how unfinished the game is
but I don't think it's actually missing anything, at best
they would have just polished it even more and get rid of
shit like curbs launching you up and the random game
freezes, but fucking True Crime: Streets of LA had
this many bugs and it was fine, so it wouldn't have
changed anything in my opinion. But again, it's a clear
improvement, it's not a bad game anymore just a mediocre
one lmao, so there is a good chance Driver: Parallel
Lines will finally be a good game lmao, and it is
certainly possible because I heard they finally realized
they should be just copying the Grand Theft Auto
games. |
2023/04/29 |
Army Men: Sarge's
Heroes (PlayStation) Developer: The 3DO Company Publisher: The 3DO Company Released: 2000 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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I played the demo of Army Men: RTS
on PC
when I was a kid and I loved everything about it (no
wonder, it was made by Pandemic Studios), it's such a cool
concept based on the Toy Story green soldiers, just toys
having a war in your garden and kitchen and shit like that
(there was a map called gob_rats for Call of Duty 2
which I played all the fucking time lmao I loved it so
much). So I always wanted to play these games but most of
them have no story except the Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
games, and the last one of them actually came out on Xbox
which I downloaded years ago and it's coming up soon so
that was the main reason why I decided to try to play
through this game again. Yes again, because I actually
played the first three levels of the Nintendo
64 version of this
game, and it was such a piece of fucking shit game with
hard as fuck controls that I just couldn't do it anymore.
Now the PlayStation port
is actually a dumbed down version where you can't go into
buildings and shit and the level design is more simple so
I thought it will be easier, plus it has cutscenes which
were actually really fun. You are playing as Sarge, who
serves in the Green Army which is at war with the Tan
Army, led by General Plastro. The Tans are winning the war
thanks to the toys they brought from the real world
through portals lmao, and of course your job is to stop
them. You have some squadmates but they are barely in the
game, mostly you just rescuing them lol and they are all
wacky characters, and there is your Colonel's hot daughter
Vikki who you are in love with (and who looks like a human
lmao, did he fuck a Barbie doll or something?). You start
in a boot camp which is like a training level where you
can learn how to use your weapon and control your
character through an obstacle course but good fucking lord
the controls suck fucking ass, it doesn't help that the PlayStation
Portable doesn't have enough buttons so I
had to reassign them, but even if I played it with a
controller it would still be absolutely terrible, like he
barely ever turns and I pretty much have to stop to do
that, and of course it has inverted aiming which wouldn't
really matter if the auto aim would fucking work, like
even if there is some dude in front of me it targets some
other enemy on the other side of the map lmao. It's buggy
as hell too, like you can't properly aim because it's like
there is an invisible barrier next to covers so I can't
even hide there and score some headshots. Jumping up
somewhere is also a nightmare, you have to align perfectly
or he won't grab the platform, and of course one wrong
step and you fall down like I did on that fucking bathtube
level which was instant mission failure. There are some
good ideas like you need a mine detector to go minefields
safely but it doesn't matter because the difficulty is a
nightmare even on easy thanks to the absolutely terrible
controls. Sometimes you need to escort someone and I
couldn't get past that mission with the spiders and shit
in the garden, I just had to cheat because it was
literally impossible. And then there was another mission
with the giant toy robots where I had to cheat again
otherwise I would have never completed the game. There is
a blooper reel after you beat the game lol and if you beat
it on harder difficulties you can see more of them but
yeah no thanks lmao. It's a dogshit fucking game but at
least the cutscenes were funny. The next one is on the PlayStation
2, I hope they made some serious
improvements over this shit. |
2023/04/23 |
Aliens vs. Predator
(Xbox 360) Developer: Rebellion Developments Publisher: Sega Released: 2010 Genre: First-person shooter |
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I played a demo of Aliens Versus
Predator 2 on PC
when I was a kid, this was before I watched any of the
movies lol. It was too dark and scary for me and again I
had absolutely no idea what to do. Someone I knew actually
had the full game and played it online a lot, I tried that
mode where there is one Alien and the marines need to
survive or they would turn into an Alien when they die,
but I couldn't get used the controls, my shitty brain
couldn't handle running on walls and shit. I actually
tried playing this game a long time ago (it came with my Xbox 360) on easy, but I got
absolutely destroyed and just ran out of bullets, I
couldn't even get through the second level lmao, I have no
idea what the fuck I was doing wrong because it wasn't
even that hard now on normal. I thought about playing it
again in the past few years but I always found excuses not
to do it because of those bad experiences lol, but finally
I was in the mood for it. It's not connected to the
previous games, it's more like a reboot but the concept is
similar: you have 3 separate campaigns, Marine, Alien and
Predator, and they are all connected (and in fact they are
connected to the movie too, which I don't think was that
bad, never seen the second one though). You can play them
in any order but I played them in the order they were
listed, and obviously they are not that long, the Marine
is like half the game, the Alien is really short and the
Predator campaign is a little bit longer. The overall
story is that a Predator pyramid was found on a human
colony, with Alien eggs apparently, and Weyland wants to
use them as weapons. You have the same locations in all
three campaigns, colony, research facility, jungle,
pyramid etc, sometimes even the same levels from a
different perspective, and they all have different
collectibles and cliffhanger endings lol. In the Marine
campaign you arrive to investigate what happened to the
colony when a Predator ship destroys one of your ships,
you get injured and when you wake up you are alone in the
abandoned colony. The locations are obviously inspired by
Aliens (which is like a shitty action movie compared to
the fucking incredible looking Alien), it has the chains
from the first movie lol but obviously Alien:
Isolation was so much better replicating the look of
that movie. It's a dark as fuck game though, thank god the
flashlight never runs out and you have infinite flares,
you just gotta wait a bit between using them. There are
tons of fucking Aliens you need to fight through, they
aren't some indestructible killing machines like in Alien:
Isolation lol, you can even melee those fuckers,
it's kinda unrealistic but it works, but it takes so much
ammo to kill them. Sometimes there are hordes of them, and
those parts are kinda hard. There are different kinds of
them, like there is an acid throwing one that walks on
walls and shit, they are hard find because of that but
they are easy to kill. And then the little Facehugger
fuckers, they are so small I could barely hit them, better
to just use flamethrower on them and their eggs lol.
Sometimes you have a couple other marines with you but
they don't live that long. Later you need to fight
androids too, they are hard to kill, you gotta aim at
limbs and shit and when they die they blow up lol. There
are boss fights too, like the Alien queen or a fucking
Predator lmao, and the final boss is Weyland himself who
is an android. You finally escape but turns out you are
fucked and they will use you to breed more Aliens. The
collectibles here are audio diaries, you can learn a lot
about what happened on the planet and a lot of references
to the movie. The Alien campaign is about an Alien with a
number 6 marked on its head who was used for research, he
breaks out and all hell breaks lose. You can walk on walls
and shit with it, it's a bit disorienting but I got used
to it. It's more about stealth here, you can see in the
dark and destroy light sources (it's kinda like The
Darkness lol), go through vents and shit. You can
hiss to lure marines near to you but their AI was so
fucking dumb for some reason, sometimes they walked next
to me and didn't do anything when I attacked. You can do
brutal executions on them lol, use that little jaw thing
on the fuckers (that's how you press buttons too lmao it
was hilarious), and you can harvest civilians by holding
them down and a little Facehugger walks on their face lol,
but sometimes they just commit suicide when they see you
coming damn. The collectibles here are some royal queen
juice canisters you need to destroy, and the final boss is
a Predator you need to harvest to create a new Alien
spieces, it was so fucking hard to defeat him though. The
Predator campaign starts with a tutorial where you learn
everything, it has very different controls, like you can
only jump up to places where you point an icon. This is
more stealth focused too, but you have a bunch of gadgets
you can use, you can become invisible, distract enemies by
imitating human voice, and do brutal executions like rip
the dude's head off along with his spine lmao. Your
objective here is to reclaim or destroy the tech humans
have found in the pyramid or got from other Predators. So
you slowly unlock new shit you can use, you have like an
energy weapon you can fire, mines (I only ever used them
versus the final boss which made it so easy lol), a disc
you can throw, new mask filters for Aliens and shit, a
spear etc. The problem is you only unlock the cool things
by the end and you can barely use them. His collectibles
are these skeleton trophies, and you can see them where
they are on your mask lol so they were the easiest to
find. And at the end the ancient mask he finds reveals the
location of the Alien homeworld, which would have been
interesting to see but there were never any sequels. There
is a Survival mode too where you play as a marine, it's
just two maps with waves of enemies coming at you, the
first was easy until the 7th wave and the second have
paths that open but it was way harder. It was actually a
fun game to play, it's like 3 separate games inside one,
but that's probably why it wasn't that impactful. |
2023/04/19 |
Star Trek: Voyager
- Elite Force (PlayStation
2) Developers: Raven Software, Pipe Dream Interactive Publisher: Majesco Entertainment Released: 2001 Genre: First-person shooter |
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When I was going through lists again I
found this game and I realized I actually played a demo of
it on PC
when I was a kid and I thought it's cool as fuck, so yeah
why not just play through the entire game. I never liked
Star Trek though, I think it's dumb as fuck, the only
things I watched were some episodes of Star Trek: Voyager
on TV, like two Star Trek: The Next Generation movies and
those three J. J. Abrams movies. The first mission is a
simulation against the Borg, I remember that was the demo
and I was so amazed by it, but I barely remember
completing it more than a few times cause I was lost all
the time lol. I remember walking on the Voyager ship too,
and that part where there is an explosion and you need to
press a button to activate a shield, but I don't think I
ever progressed there, I didn't really speak English and I
thought it's a timed thing and you need to run through
there fast before it explodes lmao. Anyway after the holo
mission you get an opening credits like it's the TV show
lol, they even got all the actors from the show. The ship
got teleported to somewhere full of destroyed and damaged
ships and they need to find a way to escape. There is a
giant space station that prevents them from using their
hyperdrive, so they need to find a way to repair the ship
then disable the space station. So you go over to an alien
ship to collect some crystals, and turns out the aliens
there are actually friendly after you shoot through half
of their crew lol, then to some Klingon pirate ship which
is more like a stealth level, then the Borg takes your
crystals so you go after them too. It's a very linear
game, it's easy to navigate which I appreciate, some of
these shooters from this era had such confusing level
designs. Thankfully you can change everything about the
controls in the options, the aiming made me a little dizzy
like Half-Life, it's just feels so much like on PC with
these ports. The framerate sucks ass when there are a lot
of enemies on screen, but there is a nice auto aim which
made everything easier to deal with. Sometimes your stupid
squadmates block your shots lol and I had to go back for
them a couple times before using elevators, the AI is not
the brightest. You can use a bunch of different weapons,
and pick up alien ones too, you can recharge the ammo from
terminals (and your health and shield too) or from
crystals on alien ships. Between missions you can walk
around the Voyager and talk to people, and do some
holodeck missions, they are like simple challenges like
killing all enemies in a castle lol. Near the end your
ship gets attacked by the bugs from the space station,
then you go there to disable it, there is a lot of
platforming here and shit like invisible laser floor you
need to shoot to walk through lol. And when you find out
they are mass producing an army there to take over the
galaxy you go after the final boss, which was brutal
thanks to the terrible framerate lol. The end credits was
like a TV show again lol, there are no unlockables though,
only thing you can do is read about the crew members and
your squadmates. It was actually a really fun game, even
with the dumbed down graphics and the awful framerate. I'm
not gonna play the sequel though because it's PC only and
fuck playing anything on that shit again. |
2023/04/17 |
Shadow Ops: Red
Mercury (Xbox) Developer: Zombie Studios Publisher: Atari Released: 2004 Genre: First-person shooter |
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One of those games I've never heard of
until I read about it in a magazine recently. It's a
modern military FPS that's not a tactical shooter, it's
kinda like a proto Call of Duty 4: Modern
Warfare so I guess in some ways it was ahead of its
time. I played it on easy because I heard it's a really
frustrating game, asshole enemies just pop out of
everywhere making it hard to react and there are no
checkpoints, it was a bit too easy until the last few
levels so I guess it was the correct choice. They drop you
right in the middle of the story, first two missions are
about going after a guy with a nuke, but you can't stop
him and he blows it up wow. Then the game does a 72 hours
earlier shit and you play through what led to it, you are
just some Delta Force dude on a mission in Congo when the
CIA sends you after the nuke and you go through the usual
locations, jungles, desert, snowy military base, research
labs etc. Sometimes you have squadmates which was nice,
the missions where you were alone kinda sucked. The
movement felt slow as fuck lol (no sprint button) and the
fucker got stuck in everything, aiming was slow too and
the framerate wasn't always the best which just made it
worse. But I liked how you can lean up and to your sides
when you zoom in on your weapon, it helps you a lot when
you are behind cover but you can't move while you are
doing that eh. The way enemies appeared was really weird,
it actually reminded me of light gun games, like when you
turned a corner they just popped out of covers and ran
through doors and always at those specific points so you
always knew where exactly the enemies would appear.
Sometimes you had to destroy tanks and shit but I just ran
to the tank while it was looking at me the entire time
lmao and destroyed it with explosives lol. I thought the
story was gonna be like you need to stop the nuke from
blowing up but no it happens anyway lmao and it's like it
barely did any damage and everyone is fine lmao. Then you
get like 3 fucking twists under a minute near the end, and
you go through Paris, fight your way up to the Eiffel
Tower and the final boss is a helicopter lol, it was so
hard to destroy it with the RPG. There are a bunch of
making of videos which was cool, they talked about how
they wanted to create a cinematic shooter but literally
the only cinematic thing about this game is the cutscenes,
and they were full of ridiculous over the top dramatic
cuts and camera work lmao, and the characters looked so
fucking bad, their faces and the way they moved lmao, the
game didn't look bad at all they just outsourced the
cinematics to some shitty French company lol. There is a
co-op campaign which is different from the main one but I
couldn't try it out, I don't think it has cutscenes
though. It's a very meh game but I actually had fun
playing it, this weird light gun tier gameplay in a
first-person shooter was I guess really unique. |
2023/04/16 |
Psi-Ops: The
Mindgate Conspiracy (Xbox) Developer: Midway Games Publisher: Midway Games Released: 2004 Genre: Third-person shooter, action adventure |
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This is a game I always wanted to play
because it has a bunch of cool powers and shit, the story
is about some Psi-Ops agent who gets his memory wiped and
is sent to be captured by an organization called The
Movement who use psychic powers to take over the world.
It's a third-person shooter but the controls were a but
weird, like they barely had enough buttons for all the
shit they wanted to do. Some girl who works undercover
helps you and you slowly get your powers back, and when
you get a power back you get a flashback training to teach
you how to use them (and you get trained by one of the
bosses in the game lol, they used to work together). There
is not much focus on the story or any depth to it, it's
like a really dumb action movie lol but it was fun (no
fucking subtitles of course). So you get powers like
telekinesis, you can pick up soldiers and throw them away
lol or throw boxes and explosive barrels at them, you can
also pick up shit like boxes or any object you can stand
on and surf through the air lmao, it sounds really cool in
concept but I could never figure out how to do it, I kept
falling off shit unless it was a box, and the telekinesis
in general was really underwhelming, it felt so weak, I
wanted to throw these fuckers at walls to break their
bones and shit but they are just slowly moving eh. There
is remote viewing too, which is like some out of body
experience where you can walk through closed doors to
scout ahead, I barely ever used it. Mind drain is how you
recharge your kinetic energy (there are pickups for that
too), you can drain a little power from dead enemies (if
they still have their heads) or from alive ones but only
if they haven't noticed you, and then it makes their heads
explode lmao. You can take over a soldier's body with mind
control and press switches to access new areas or just
kill other enemies with them lol, and you can make them
commit suicide too lmao, this power was pretty cool. There
is the usual pyrokinesis, you can just throw fireballs
nothing extra lol, and at last aura view which allows you
to see invisible things, like cracks on the wall you can
break, see if an enemy noticed you based on their aura
color, invisible mines or these fucking monsters from
another dimension, and the game gets really hard by the
last two missions when these fuckers appear. There are
some cool moments like those illusion hallways, and when
you need to hide behind barriers during that boss fight
with the reactor overload. Bosses have powers too and you
need to use yours against them of course, like the mind
control boss reverts your controls lol, the final boss was
really hard though. It has a wtf ending where the guy
suddenly remembers everything then helicopters come and
you get a to be continued lol fuck off, it also came out
of nowhere like there was no indication of anything bigger
than that happening (at least we get a cute picture of the
developers in the end credits). It's actually a short game
but there are other modes like Co-op (one player controls
the movement while the other uses the weapons and powers,
interesting concept), Arcade, Boss Rush, and tons of extra
skins and missions you can unlock by finding these hidden
evil gnomes lmao wtf (some of them were bullshit though,
like you had to find two when you are trying to escape
with a timer). Basically you need to use your powers to
complete challenges, like surf over a course, launch
yourself over a wall with giant balls lol, a fucking
bowling game with huge balls lmao, position a bunch of
gears to start a mechanism, a fucking pool table with
giant balls you can only move with explosive barrels and
pyrokinesis lol, waves of fucking gnomes attacking you
lmao, insane shit like that. And you get a bunch of
concept art movies, early gameplay videos, a making of
video which I always love to see, trailers, some shitty
music video lol. Honestly the game felt like a proto Star
Unleashed, but the use of powers
were way more primitive and clunky, I mean I had fun with
it but I expected something better. |
2023/04/10 |
Sega Ages 2500
Series Vol. 13: OutRun (PlayStation
2) Developer: SIMS Publisher: 3D Ages Released: 2004 Genre: Driving |
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OutRun 2 is coming up on Xbox
eventually and I've always been intrigued by that game,
just the aesthetics and the insane drifting, there is
something really satisfying about that game. Now the first
game was an arcade game back in the 80s, and I'm pretty
sure I've heard about it relatively early, maybe saw it in
a movie or something I don't know. So I wanted to play the
original too but I really didn't want to bother with some
shitty 2D game, but I found out Sega released a bunch of
its famous old games in 3D with really simple PlayStation like graphics on
the PlayStation
2 in Japan, and one of them was this game.
It did come out in the West too as part of the Sega
Classics Collection and that's where I played it,
but because I didn't even touch any of the other games
there I'm just listing it with the original Japanese name.
Now unlike most car games you aren't racing anyone except
the timer here, as you are just driving from one location
to another, trying to stay on the road and avoiding
traffic, it's a very simple game. You go through different
European inspired locations, take a right or left when the
road splits to get to the next area before the time
expires, so there are a couple different combinations you
can do but eventually you're gonna get to one of the 5
goals where you get a cute little victory screen, my
favorite was the Arab world where they hand you a lamp and
a bunch of girls come out of it and start touching you
lmao. It's not an easy game at all though, it's hard to
avoid traffic but the worst part is that you can't see
shit most of the time, either because of how big your car
is in this version or because you can't see too far ahead
anyway lol (I tried out the Mega
Drive version on an emulator on my PlayStation
Portable and it's actually so much worse
there lol so I won't complain about the big car as much as
I wanted lol). But to be fair it's an arcade game, so you
are supposed to play through it many times to memorize the
track layout. Before you start you need to select a music
from 3 tracks (or from their arranged modernized
versions), I liked Splash Wave the most lol. Btw I hated
how I had to change the transmission to automatic every
time I started the game, you can't save the options for
some reason. Well besides the original Arcade mode there
is also Arrange mode, which has a different diamond shaped
course layout, with 4 different roads in the middle and
only one goal at the end. The locations here are American
inspired, like Las Vegas, US countryside, a big highway
lol, and every one of them has a rival you can pass for
more points, I guess that's the racing aspect of this game
lol. There is also a Time Attack mode where you just drive
around without traffic to set up new records, yeah no
thanks fuck that shit. So yeah that's the game, not really
relaxing lol but it was alright actually, but I'm sure OutRun
2 will be an even better experience with the insane
drifting I've seen in videos. |
2023/04/08 |
SEALs (PlayStation
2) Developer: Zipper Interactive Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Released: 2002 Genre: Tactical shooter |
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After playing through the Conflict:
Desert Storm games I decided to play these games
too, as I said they were released around the same time so
it would be nice to compare them, plus there are PlayStation
Portable games too which I heard are really
good. Before I started the game I noticed they included a
documentary about SEALs, their training, history,
equipment etc it was pretty cool, I love these kind of
extras. You have two squads, Alpha and Bravo, but you only
control the squadleader, you can't change between members.
You can give them really detailed orders though, you need
to navigate through menus which is easier than remembering
tons of button combinations (and thank god it pauses when
you open it), you can tell them to hold position, shoot
everyone on sight, plant explosives, do all kinds of shit,
and you can use a headset too to give orders if you have
one. Before missions you get detailed briefings, they look
like top secret files with maps and you can change weapons
and equipment but I just went with the default ones (and I
barely ever used grenades and shit, just went gun blazing
lmao). You don't get much bullets though, and I ran out of
them a couple of times but you can pick up enemy weapons
too. The controls are kinda janky, not as bad as Conflict:
Storm though, but I hated how the fire button
was R1 and you couldn't change it in the options eh. The X
button is context sensitive, you can use it to knife or
rifle butt the enemy, pick up weapons or enemy body, plant
explosives etc, but when you press it he just slides there
lmao and if he gets stuck the enemy won't even react until
the animation finishes lol. There are primary and
secondary mission goals too, secondary is more like the
way you are supposed to accomplish them, like gather intel
or use stealth, or capture this guy instead of killing
him, but you can still complete the mission if you fail
them. You get a detailed map that lists everything and
shows recommended routes to make it easier, and have
pre-determined points where you can send your squadmates.
There is no storyline, just 3 missions per location, like
snowy Alaska on a ship or an oil driller, on little
islands and temple in Thailand, the jungles of Congo, and
in the desert of Turkmenistan, and the maps are a lot
smaller than in Conflict: Desert Storm. There are
no difficulty settings and you can't save during missions
eh, you have to complete them to save. I failed a couple
missions on first try but it wasn't that difficult as I
thought it would be, except for that fucking prison level
with the helicopter, I had to cheese it by completing the
mission goals in a different order and just rush at the
end lmao. The last mission was fucking brutal too, just
hordes of enemies in a destroyed city, I can't believe I
completed it, my health and my last surviving squadmate's
health were both in red and running out of bullets when I
finally found the target lol. There is also one mission
with an absolutely insane premise, you literally have to
blow up some nukes in a cave wtf lmao. You get stats and
ranks after the end of missions but they don't really
matter as they don't unlock anything. The end credits have
some dumb Russian song lmao which was on the radio in one
of the earliest missions, it felt so out of place. I liked
the game though, I mean the AI was dumb as hell sometimes
as the squadmates or the people you need to escort got
stuck and I had to go back for them or couldn't get
through doors because of them but it was a fun game, but
still I enjoyed Conflict: Desert Storm more, but I
think the sequels improved this one more, we will see. |
2023/04/05 |
The Darkness
(Xbox 360) Developer: Starbreeze Studios Publisher: 2K Games Released: 2007 Genre: First-person shooter |
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This is another game I had no idea it
exists until recently, and all I really knew is that you
have these tentacles that talk to you lmao, but because
you control both those and your weapons I had this
impression that the controls must be really complicated so
I didn't really think about playing it before I had all
these extra discs. It's based on a comic I've never heard
of, which isn't suprising but this is from a smaller
company so it's weird that it got an adaptation. And it's
made by the developers of The Chronicles of Riddick:
Escape from Butcher Bay, and they are very similar,
both the controls and the gameplay, and both use darkness
as a core mechanic, so I felt it maybe wasn't the best
idea to play it right after it, I don't like playing
similar games right after another (in this case it was a
stupid thought). So you are playing as this guy Jackie who
works for this mafioso called Paulie (who is his uncle?),
but on his 21st birthday he tries to kill him but he
survives as this thing called the Darkness manifests
itself. As I said you can use both your weapons and the
tentacles, the gunplay is fine but the crosshair is like a
tiny dot lol (interestingly there are auto aim levels, I
just put it on max lol) and you can do gruesome executions
up close which were really cool but I barely used them.
You can use your tentacles to kill enemies too and then
devour their hearts to get more energy and level up, they
will also suck up the dark for energy lol, and obviously
light damages them and they will disappear so you gotta
stay in dark areas and destroy light sources. And you have
these abilities you can use, with Demon Arms you can
destroy and move shit away, Creeping Darkness sends out
one of your tentacles like a snake lmao and you can go to
places you can't reach and go on walls and shit but it was
so hard to control and it got stuck in everything eh,
Darkness Guns are pretty self-explanatory, you have these
weird looking guns you can use and the ammo is the dark
you suck up lol, and finally Black Hole which sucks
enemies up lmao. There are these Darklings too you can
summon from some portals, they are little demon guys like
in Overlord lmao, they have 4 types too, a machine
gunner, a kamikaze one lol, one that destroy lights and a
berserk, and you can find silly outfits for them too lmao,
but I barely ever used these unless they were required or
at the very end. Much like in The Chronicles of
Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay you can talk to
people and do quests for them, in fact you can go around
in New York with the subway system, it's always night
though (and it has the shithole city aesthetic I like so
much). The people who like you are these old mafia guys
from like the 60s lol (it's funny when they help you kill
bad guys, like one was on oxygen in bed but still shooting
lmao), they usually ask to find something or kill someone,
shit like that, and you get phone numbers as rewards, they
are the collectibles you can find too. If you call them on
payphones you hear some ridiculous conversations, like
there is some dude you need to call like 20 something
times until he finally tries to tell you something about
alien Elvis but you hear him get shot at the end lmao, a
suicide hotline that makes you wait, or some automated 911
call which says shit like press 3 if you are being stabbed
right now lmao, or just listening to music forever when
they make you wait, or something about an animal magic
museum lol (the conversations you hear on the street are
crazy too, like some dude wants to fuck a moose and
someone tells him he needs to go to Sweden to do that
lmao). They unlock a lot of shit, a graffiti making of
video, concept arts, scripts, bug screens lol, a bunch of
comics (a prequel to the game, the original comics the
game is based on, and a bunch of other ones from the
publisher, it took me ages to read them lol). You can also
watch TV in the game lol, music channels, Flash Gordon
episodes, or the entire To Kill a Mockingbird movie you
can watch sitting on a couch with your girlfriend wow. Man
the bad guys in this game are truly sick evil bastards,
like the kind of believable psychopaths, that scene with
your girlfriend was really brutal. The entire vibe of the
game is really brutal and depressive, I loved the little
stories Jackie tells during the loading screens. At some
point you kill yourself and end up in WW1 hell which I
fucking loved (it has my favorite weapon ever the Mauser
C96), that's my favorite war and I wish there were more
WW1 games. The Germans and the Allied soldiers there look
really fucked up and disfigured, I loved it. There is an
on-rail tank section too lmao and you can find letters
there which you can mail when you return to the real
world. The final level actually starts during the daytime,
but then a solar eclipse happens and the Darkness becomes
more powerful, and you just fuck shit up till you get to
your uncle and have your revenge... which seals your fate
and you get a really, really sad ending. I really liked
this game but I don't think I'm gonna play the sequel,
because it's made by a different developer and apparently
it's more true to the comic, and this game felt really
different from it. I really liked one of the unlockable
comics though called Hunter-Killer and I read all of it,
but it's only a few issues and it just randomly ends eh,
seems like that's the fate of everything from this small
publisher, it's a shame really. |
2023/04/01 |
Malice (Xbox) Developer: Argonaut Games Publisher: Mud Duck Productions Released: 2004 Genre: Platform |
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Normally I wouldn't play a shitty
platformer like this but I remember the screenshots of
this game, it looked so good and I love that graphical
style, it was supposed to be a launch title but it came
out in 2004 lol. The story is some total nonsense, Malice
gets killed by some dog god lmao, but Death sends her back
because apparently she is a goddess, and some clockwork
being helps her but she needs to find keys so he can
locate the dog god for her lol. And you have this world
with no backstory, or no real story whatsoever, like these
evil crows and a bird resistance lmao. Jumping is so
fucking slow lmao like your are floating, the platforming
is terrible in general because it's hard to tell where you
will land and the shitty inverted camera makes everything
worse, and the combat sucks too because you can't move
while you swing your weapon. You start with a club but you
get a hammer and some other shit later, but they all work
the same. There are some magic spells you will learn, like
floating, healing, more power, stuff like that. It looks
good though, I love this metallic look so much, there
aren't many different locations though, there is space,
some forest with a talking tree and mushrooms and worms
and shit, inside a big factory machine that was pretty
cool, sewers, prison and a lava world. It's such a simple
game, the only real extra things you do besides the
jumping and combat are these robots on the factory level
you need to guide to open doors and opening cells with
different keycards to free prisoners on the prison level,
there is even stealth on that level but it's also
braindead simple. It's also braindead easy, the only
collectibles are these hearts to increase your max health
but some of them are in the ghost world and it's almost
impossible to die so I just had to stand there and wait
till I got killed to collect them. Of course you don't get
anything extra for it, no unlockables at all, even the
menu is empty as fuck lmao. The humor is weird too, like
Malice just talks shit to everyone lol, the only thing
that made me laugh was that Juju Man who turned her into
some giant headed freak on a level lmao. There are boss
fights too but they are just as easy as everything else,
but the final boss took fucking forever to kill. It's just
a braindead easy game with no personality, it's just
fucking nothing at all with barely any content, honestly
this wouldn't have been enough for a PlayStation
game, it's baffling to me that this game was released at
all, I have no idea what the fuck the developers were
doing for like 5 fucking years. |
2023/03/28 |
Driver 2: Back on
the Streets (PlayStation) Developer: Reflections Interactive Publisher: Infogrames Released: 2000 Genre: Driving, action |
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I realized Driv3r is coming up soon
on Xbox so it was time to suffer through the
second game lmao. I played this one on my PlayStation
Portable too, it's a two discs game but for
some reason you can't switch between them (normally that's
not an issue, it's just this game) and the solution I
found was to use separate eBoots for both discs. Finally
there is a proper story with nice cutscenes (with
subtitles thank god) and not just random shit happening,
basically you gotta find the money man of some American
mob lord who aligned himself with some Brazilian mobster.
There are four cities again, Chicago, Havana, Las Vegas
and Rio de Janeiro, and they are so much larger wow and
the roads aren't just squares like in the first game, they
actually bend and curve, and they all feel more distinct,
like Havana is drastically different than the other
cities, and not just in looks but with different cars too.
And they aren't empty, you can find secret cars (the one
in Chicago is inside Wrigley Field lmao) and secret
minigames if you can find hidden buttons to activate them,
like a horse racing track lmao and an empty racing
circuit, so there is actually a reason to use Take-A-Ride
mode. Cars seem to control better too, and you have more
variety in this game, besides all sorts of cars you can
drive buses, trucks, money vans etc. And finally you can
get out of your car and steal another one, which
completely gets rid of your felony meter! The controls are
so bad though lmao and the only other thing you can do is
press buttons, no shooting or fighting at all. I know the
framerate is supposed to be really bad on the PlayStation but on the PlayStation
Portable it was fine, the draw distance is
ridiculous though lol things just pop up right in front of
you. Cops were a huge issue in the first game and it seems
like there are fewer of them patrolling, and thank god
they don't spawn near your mission goal, in fact if you
are being chased they just disappear right before you get
there, this makes everything so much better. Missions have
more variety too, like there is one where you have to
escape from a labyrinth like storage area, or outrun a
train to rescue a guy whose car is on the tracks, driving
a car bomb to a location, jumping on a ferry lol, planting
bombs on foot an running out before they explode etc. So
yeah it's better in every possible way and it fixes a lot
of problems with the first game but ultimately it doesn't
matter when the core of the gameplay is a terribly
designed frustrating mess, it's just not working. It's so
much harder to damage enemy cars, and when you get to that
fucking Havana mission where you need to destroy 4 of them
with a time limit it's genuinely impossible, like
seriously fuck off with this bullshit, I had to download a
save online so I could continue the game. Getting out of
the car to get rid of your felony sounds great in concept
but realistically you don't have time for it during most
missions, and when you start on foot and need to run to a
car, or get out of the car to plant bombs you lose
valuable seconds because the controls are absolute dogshit
and turning is a nightmare. The last mission is another
bullshit (not as brutal as the first game's at least)
where you need to follow a helicopter and can't make any
mistakes or you will lose it, and with the fucking traffic
and cars chasing you and coming right at you it took me
fucking days and some insane luck to finish it. It has the
same minigames like chases, checkpoints etc but it's the
same fucking frustrating shit too. Oh and the replay
editor, but who gives a shit about that. So all the
improvements turned a terrible game into just a bad one, I
suppose that's better than nothing lmao. Next up is the
controversial Driv3r which is supposed to be
unfinished lol but it has more focus on the third person
action, but I can't imagine it being worse than these two. |
2023/03/20 |
Full Spectrum
Warrior (Xbox) Developer: Pandemic Studios Publisher: THQ Released: 2004 Genre: Real-time tactics |
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I always wanted to play this game because
it was made by Pandemic Studios. For the longest time I
thought it's a tactical third-person shooter like SOCOM
SEALs or Conflict: Desert Storm,
only in the last few years I realized you can't even
control your soldiers or fire their weapons, you just give
them orders lol it kinda made me lose interest in it. It's
basically a third-person strategy game lol, and I heard it
was made for the US army as a training game, that's so
cool though (and you can unlock that mode with a code).
The manual and the strategy guide made everything sound so
complex and complicated, but there is a really long
training mode (that took me two days to finish lol) that
teaches you everything, and it's much easier once you see
how it works in action. Basically you have two squads,
Alpha and Bravo (there is a Charlie too sometimes) each
with 4 soldiers with different classes, the team leader, a
grenadier, a rifleman and a dude with a big ass machine
gun lmao and you can order them to move but you can only
move an icon, and they move up to formation depends on
where do you order them, to a corner, behind cover etc. It
sucks though because sometimes you can't see where the
icon is and you can only move the camera around the
selected squad. You can also give orders to individual
members but I never really used that. You gotta use
military tactics to defeat enemies, hop from cover to
cover, supress a group of enemies with one squad and try
to flank them with the other one (because you can't kill
them when they are behind cover, except in the last few
missions with the Rangers lol), it was suprisingly fun to
do, although you can't really react quickly because it
takes a while till they react to your order, so fucking
RPGs and grenades killed me a lot and it was really
frustrating. It's game over if more than two squad members
die, you need to pick up the injured soldier and carry him
to the CASEVACs to heal him, and you need to go there
anyway at least once or twice to restock your ammo. You
can request a recon flight to mark enemies on your map but
they can move away so it's not always accurate. You save
by reporting in on radio at certain points, and you can go
back and replay levels from that point anytime, altough
there isn't any reason to do it because there are no
statistics after missions and you can't select gears or
anything before missions for different tactics. The game
takes place in this made up Middle Eastern country
(basically a mix of Afghanistan and Iraq) ruled by a
genocidal dictator, and the US shows up to fuck shit up
lol. There isn't much story, there are some nice character
introduction at the beginning where we learn shit like
this guy has 9 anime tattoos lmao and they shit talk a
little bit but there are no character developments or
anything like that, they are just soldiers going through
cities and trying to hunt down the dictator. So locations
are kinda samey but there are some cool shit like fighting
during a huge sandstorm. At the end you kill the guy with
an airstrike lol and then they show a cutscene where they
find civilian mass graves damn this game ain't fucking
around. There are two DLC epilogue missions which was
really cool, the second one was really long and by far the
hardest in the entire game though, with some funny CIA
shenanigans at the end lmao. The only thing you unlock is
a concept arts movie though eh I expected a nice making of
video at least. So yeah it was suprisingly fun, I had no
idea I could enjoy a game like this (I guess you can't go
wrong with Pandemic Studios) so I'm looking forward to
play the sequel. |
2023/03/19 |
TimeShift (Xbox 360) Developer: Saber Interactive Publisher: Vivendi Games Released: 2007 Genre: First-person shooter |
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I was really excited for this game after I
read previews of it in the magazines I bought, it sounded
like the coolest fucking shit with time travel. But I was
excited for the original version of the game with the
steampunk aesthetics and the Timecop like story with
Dennis Quaid and Michael Ironside, the game got delayed
for a year after they switched publishers and the
developers completely abandoned the plot and redesigned
the world and everything, it's such a shame. That's why I
never really bothered with it until now when I have plenty
of discs. Now all the story we get are some short
cutscenes where we learn some scientist who designed time
travel suits takes the prototype one and goes back to the
past, you go after him with the improved version and it
turns out he changed the past and he is an evil dictator
now. But we barely learn anything because these cutscenes
are ridiculously short, your wife or lover gets killed by
the bad guy and that's like just a few seconds and the guy
never talks and we don't know anything about it unlike in
the original concept where it's an important part of the
plot, how about some fucking world building you dumbass
developer fucks? Instead of the cool steampunk world we
get like a BioShock looking design but a very
bland and boring one (well the graphics are really nice at
least, it's that mid 2000s style I really like), and again
we learn nothing about the world, it's just an empty set
piece for the action. Which is really nice, I mean the
shooting is just average (for some reason it made me
fucking dizzy though, I had to lower aim sensitivity to
minimum, at least they gave you that option), there are
some cool weapons though like that submachine gun that has
a flamethrower too lmao or a thunderbolt crossbow lol and
later some plasma weapons, and you can destroy covers so
there is some destructibility. But none of this really
matters, because the coolest thing is the time power
mechanics, the entire game is build around them. You can
stop, slow down or reverse time to help you in combat and
to solve puzzles to progress. Like a bridge gets destroyed
in front of you, you press reverse and run through it lol,
or you press stop to walk through electrified water, or if
a grenade gets stuck on you just press reverse and move
away lol, or slow down time to walk through a propeller to
reach an area, or use reverse on a turbine to launch you
up lmao, you can even steal the weapons out of enemy hands
if you stop time lmao, they are so cool. The game always
tells you which one to use though so it's not like you
have to figure out what to do. My favorite part was
probably the big assembly line where you need to go
through Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones style
lmao using all your powers. The first part of the game
takes place in a city but later you ride a zeppelin lol
(the usual turret section) to go to a crash site and
rescue prisoners, these parts are usually outside so huge
open areas, and there are parts where you ride a quad bike
lol. Later enemies have suits too, like the Storm Guards
have a shield so you gotta stop time to kill them, Flash
Guards go really fast so either slow down or stop time to
deal with them, and then the Warp Guards can teleport and
they are hard to kill and have a really powerful electric
gun. The last level came out of nowhere, like suddenly the
resistance took over the city when you go back and you
need to kill the bad guy's giant walking spider like base
lol, and after he is dead you go back to the present and
get a wtf ending, it just ends with the dumbest
cliffhanger, and again it's like a 10 seconds long
cutscene lol. There are no collectibles or hidden things,
you just unlock concept arts, music and cutscenes. It's
not a bad game and I had fun but Jesus I really wish we
got the original game instead of this bland, boring world
and plot, it had so much potential. |
2023/03/08 |
Infected (PlayStation
Portable) Developer: Planet Moon Studios Publisher: Majesco Entertainment Released: 2005 Genre: Third-person shooter |
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I was a bit hesitant to play this game
because it's made by the developers of Armed and
Dangerous and I could definitely tell that from the
shitty cutscenes and gameplay lmao, but imo the games they
make are better suited for handhelds. It's a simple zombie
shooting game with just a couple minutes long missions.
There is a story though but it's barely there, basically
there is a zombie outbreak in New York during Christmas,
and they somehow explode from your blood lol so you are
alone out there killing hordes of them and rescuing
civilians. The gameplay is braindead easy though,
basically you shoot them until they turn red, then fire
your blood gun to kill them, and you can chain them
together for pickups and bonuses. The more you kill the
better weapons you get, shotgun, assault rifle, rocket
launcher etc, and you can pickup a chainsaw too which
kills them without your blood gun. Way too many levels are
about saving civilians and carrying them to helicopters,
at least you don't drag them behind you this time lol and
you can carry all of them. Zombies can go berserk when
they overrun a zone and they become stronger and faster,
and later it gets really hard when you can't pick up
soldiers and you need to run between zones to protect
them, and the last mission is saving the commissioner's
son from hordes of zombies lol. If you can pass missions
within the time limit or save enough civilians you earn
points and medals and you can upgrade and buy weapons or
upgrade your health, speed etc. You can also unlock new
character skins, some of them are from the band Slipknot
lmao (the music is this trash metal shit too, and you can
watch bonus music videos lol) and Rayne from BloodRayne
but she plays the same as every other character, no new
moves or weapons eh. The basic characters have a lot of
customization though, I could even select that my
character was from this shithole country. It's not
offensively bad, I guess it's ok for a handheld game if
you just want to play for a few minutes, but it's like
fucking nothing lmao. At least it's still funny, like when
mentally retarded kids visit the headquarters and the guy
shoots a kid when he makes some retarded sound because he
thought he is a zombie lmao, or when the guy talks about
eating rotten fruits and rat shit for months when he was
kept in a basement as a kid lmao wtf or that typical
singer who does a zombie aid because they are misjudged
peaceful people lmao. Of course they don't show any of
that, they are just random voiceovers before missions... |
2023/03/06 |
Legacy of Kain:
Soul Reaver (PlayStation) Developer: Crystal Dynamics Publisher: Eidos Interactive Released: 1999 Genre: Action-adventure |
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So I'm not sure when I heard of this series
first but probably around the mid 2000s, I just knew about
Raziel and my impression was he is an iconic character
(and for some reason I always confused this series with Vampire:
Masquerade, I don't know why). I actually read
the plot summaries when I was reading a review of Legacy
Defiance but I don't remember anything lmao
so everything I experienced was new to me. This is another
game with LibCrypt shit so I was like ok I will do the
tutorial in that shitty emulator because that's where it
triggers and then I can just continue the game but how
wrong I was, it froze because you need to get through that
area every time you load the game. So great another CD
wasted and some voices are missing in that shitty emulator
so I can't continue it there, but now I can just play NTSC
games so it shouldn't have been a problem, however I found
out that the NTSC copy freezes at some points when it's
played on PAL consoles lmao, but at this point I already
burned the CD so I was like I'm gonna play this as long as
I can and if it happens I will just switch over to PlayStation
Portable. Well it didn't happen and I could
play through the entire game (well it froze once but it
could be just my fault too), I'm not sure if it's because
it doesn't happen on PlayStation
2 or my method of playing games just
bypasses the boot screen (either way I saved like every
time I went through a door just in case lmao). The story
continues the bad ending of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
where Kain now rules the world and he built his throne
room around the ruins of the Pillars of Nosgoth. In a
really nice intro (no subtitles of course) one of the
leaders of his vampire clans Raziel evolves into having
wings, and Kain can't have anyone challenge him so he
throws him down to an abyss and he dies as water hurts
vampires. But some Elder God dude resurrects him and sends
him back like hundreds years later to kill Kain, but the
world is in ruins, vampires are like mutant zombies and
mindless monsters now. Because Raziel is more like an
undead corpse lmao he can't suck blood anymore, now he
sucks the souls of dead enemies to replenish health and it
slowly depletes when he is in the material plane. And it's
one of the biggest features of this game how you can shift
between the material and the spectral planes to solve
puzzles, pass through areas where you couldn't in the
material plane as they are usually different. Because
enemies are vampires they can't be just killed normally,
you need to finish them by throwing them in the water or
to the sunlight or impaling them, it makes sense but
sometimes it made the combat frustrating. You can kill
them with the Soul Reaver too after you get that weapon,
you can only use it when your health is full but it also
stops your health from depleting, but it sucks when they
damage you and you end up without a weapon (you can avoid
enemies sometimes though). Puzzles usually involve blocks
for some reason and it took fucking ages to flip and move
them around, like you spend around 20 minutes in a room
doing that shit then go to the next room and it's the same
fucking shit again, it was seriously the worst part of the
game. The platforming sucked too, like I could never tell
if I'm gonna make that jump or not, and the inverted L2 R2
camera doesn't help it either. Boss fights usually involve
puzzles to defeat them (that spider vampire boss was a
real nightmare fuel lmao) and when they are dead you get
their abilities which you need to progress to new areas:
wall climbing, projectile shooting, swimming, running
circles around objects to turn them lol. And man the world
is big for a PlayStation
game (luckily there are gateways for fast travel but you
still need to walk a lot eh), and there are lots of big
areas you normally wouldn't discover unless you kept
looking, you can find health and magic upgrades and new
spells there. Like there are human vampire hunters and if
you ignore them they start worshipping you, and you can
find their gigantic hidden citadel full of people and
soldiers with flamethrowers lmao and bunch of hidden
upgrades and spells. The lighthouse was another place like
that, and you get the most powerful spell there which is
like a light bomb that kills every vampire around you
lmao. And you can enchance your Soul Reaver with fire to
make it more powerful lol but I only used it for a puzzle.
The story is really interesting in this game too, there is
a twist around halfway into the game where you find out
who Raziel was before Kain turned him into a vampire, I
was like holy shit. The last area is The Oracle's Cave
which was in the previous game too but it's so much better
here, it has a bunch of interesting puzzles and at the end
you can see the past and future through a bunch of
portals, like more enhancements for your Soul Reaver and
the death of the ghost chick from the previous game who
helps you here too, and after you fight with Kain and
learn he planned everything from the beginning (yeah
right...) you follow him through a portal and I guess end
up in the past where Moebius apparently was waiting for
your arrival... and then the game just ends with this
cliffhanger lmao. So I guess outsmarting your opponent and
escaping your fate through time travel will be the central
point of this series. Honestly the game felt like a proto
Darksiders to me lol, but the blocks and
platforming, the bad framerate and the bugs (had to reload
game so a bugged out block would appear, and that lever
where I thought I can't progress, kept pressing the button
for like 30 minutes until it worked eh) stop it from
reaching true greatness. It was still good though so I'm
looking forward to see where the story goes next. |
2023/03/03 |
The Chronicles of
Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Xbox) Developers: Starbreeze Studios, Tigon Studios Publisher: Vivendi Universal Games Released: 2004 Genre: Action-adventure, stealth |
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I watched Pitch Black on DVD in the early
2000s, I didn't think much of it but it was a nice
grounded 90s scifi with mining colonies and shit like that
kinda like the Alien movies, then fucking The Chronicles
of Riddick came out which was like an entirely different
universe and more like a fantasy world lmao it was so
weird. I remember seeing ads for the DVD cartoon too and I
watched that and Pitch Black again before playing this
game. I remember this game too from magazines, I didn't
really care about it at that time but I know it's one of
the best licensed games so I was looking forward to play
it. Which I couldn't at first because it said the game
needed to be played from an original disc lol never seen
that before, but now I'm familiar with ACL patching so it
was easy to make it work hehe. It has a really nice menu,
like a metallic cube with blocks shuffling to display
texts, it's so cool. And damn really nice looking graphics
too, I don't know what this mid 2000s graphical style is
called (bump mapping or normal mapping?) but I really like
it and it's insane how powerful the Xbox is
because it looks almost like early Xbox 360 graphics. The game
starts with Riddick being transported to a prison planet
by the bounty hunter guy from Pitch Black, but when they
arrive he escapes and almost manages to get off the planet
but of course this was just a dream sequence to teach you
the basics. Inside the prison you can interact with people
and do favors for them as quests and they give you money
and cigarette packs in return (the fucking moth quest was
awful though, they randomly fly around and it's so hard to
catch them, it took me days to finish that shit). You have
hand to hand and weapon combat, it reminds me a bit of Breakdown
as it's in first person but you have less moves and there
is more focus on the gunplay here as the shooting is way
better. There is a lot of focus on stealth because you
don't always have access to guns, so you are gonna sneak
past guards in the dark a lot, or kill them from behind
and drag and hide their bodies or wear the guard's clothes
lol. Basically the entire game is you trying to escape
from an area, and when you almost make it the bounty
hunter dude or the prison warden catches you, throws you
into a worse part of the prison, and this goes on and on
until the end lmao. Like from the cells they drop you down
into a hole where these mutant things live in the darkness
(that's where you get the ability to see in the dark),
then to a max security area with more inmates and quests
and a fight tournament lol (nothing beats my tactic of
stab-retreat-stab again lmao), then to the mines where you
need to cause a distraction (aka explosion) and release
these big monsters lol, and then finally they put you into
these futuristic looking part of the prison in cryosleep
and they only wake you up for a few minutes to exercise
damn but you still manage to escape lol, this part has
little mechs and you will pilot a big one, the controls
were really wonky but it was funny how the mech AI kept
talking to you lmao. And then finally you escape with the
bounty hunter who didn't get paid for delivering you lol,
and they tease the (at that time) upcoming new movie after
the end credits. The cigarette packs you can find and get
for quests unlock so many things, like seriously this game
has the most impressive list of unlockables I've ever
seen, concept arts, movie set pics, trailers, a prototype
video from 2002, early gameplay video from 2003, motion
capture video (this one includes parts from Knights of
the Temple: Infernal Crusade too, I guess all the
effort went into this game lmao), tech video, and a
chapter from the book (no making of video though eh). It
was a really fun game and to be honest back in the day I
wanted to play The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on
Dark Athena on PC
and recently on Xbox
360 too but I wasn't
sure if I would like it (it includes this game too
apparently so I wouldn't have missed anything) but now I'm
really looking forward to it and I already burned the disc
lol. |
2023/03/02 |